
  • NLU

    The National Labor Union was one of the first unions. It supported contruction unions and other skilled unions. African-Americans denied membership to this union.
  • Knights of Labor

    Founded- 1869
    An organization that fought for the working class. They fought for an eight-hour day and abolishment of child labor.
  • Great Railroad Strike of 1877

    The workers of the railroads, in reaction to a second wage cut, started a strike. The strike spread nation wide. The federal troops were called in to restore the workings of the railroad. Violence often broke out between the strikers and the troops. The strike was finally ended 45 days later.
  • American Federation of Labor

    Founded- 1886
    Represented the craft unions. Fought for higher wages and job sercurity. Joined with the Democratic party.
  • Haymarket Affair

    The Haymarket Affair took place in haymarket Square, Chigago. A rally in support of striking workers was taking place when someone detonated a bomb. The reaction was tragic as the police officers opened fire. Eight police officers were killed, along with many demonstraters.
  • The Homestead Strike

    The Homestead Strike took place at the Homestead steel works in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers fought rallyed against Carnegie Steel Company. The union lost the "war," which was a major set back for the exploited workers.
  • American Railway Union

    Founded- June 20, 1893
    It was the largest union of it's time. United all worker of the railways under one union to fight the lowering of wages that was taking place.
  • Pullman Strike

    The Pullman Strike started when a of Pullman Palace Car Company workers went on strike over a reduction in wages. It became a nationwide conflict between labor unions and railroads . It became such an issue that the president ordered federal troops to end the strike.
  • I.W.W.

    The Industrial Worker of the World is a labor union that still exist today. It promoted worker solidarity and underlying motives of overthrowing the employing class.
  • Uprising of 20,000

    This strike was comprised of over 20,000 jewish women that worked in New York city shirtwaist factories. With months of striking the women finally imporved wages, working conditions, and hours.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    A garmet factory in NYC caught on fire. The fire excapes had been locked to prevent women from stealing clothes. 146 workers died from the fire. In result working saftey standards were established.
  • CIO

    The Congress of Industrial Organizations focused on organizing mass production workers that worked on assembly lines. It was open to blacks, which was rare at the time.

    The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations united many unions still existed today and has over 11 million members. Membership is not restricted. It is used to organize massive labor groups.
  • CNLU

    Founded- 1969
    The Colored national Labor Union was formed to represent the blacks which were ofter excluded from labor groups and ignored. This group fought for equal labor rights and civil rights.