US becomes a Debtor
In 1985, for the first time since 1914, the united States owed more monry to foreigners than it was owed. -
Shuttle Explodes
Seventy three seconds after blast-off, the shuttle Challenger exploded and killed all seven astronauts on board. The explosion ws the greatest loss ever for the American space program, and was later blamed on faulty o-rings in the booster rocket. -
INF Treaty Signed
The signing of the I.N.F. (Intermediate Nuclear Forces) Treaty in 1987 marked the beginning of the end of the Cold War. The treaty was the first to eliminate a complete class of weapons. It was also the first treaty to include an in-depth verification program. -
Coalition Frees Kuwait
After the Iraqis invaded Kuwait, the United States led an international coalition against Iraq. The United States received UN authorization to engage in military action against the Iraqis -
As the election campaign of 1992 began, the incumbent President, George Bush, held a commanding lead in the polls, over any and all potential rivals. Bush had been the Commander- In -Chief presiding over the most decisive American military victory since World War II, the Gulf War. -
Waco Confrontation
On April 19, 1993, the ATF launched an assualt on the headquarters of David Koresh in Waco, Texas. Koresh ordered his disciples to kill themselves and set the compound on fire. Eighty-six people died. -
PLO-Israel Agreement
The United States played a small, but vital role in the agreement reached between Israel and PLO. The agreement, called "Oslo I," was signed at the White House. Two years later, "Oslo II" was signed in Washington, as well. Six weeks after the signing of Oslo II, the Israeli participant, Prime Minitser Yitzhak Rabin, was assasinated by a Jewish zealot opposed to the peace agreement. -
Republicans Control Congress
In the mid-term election, in November 1994, the Republicans gained control of both houses of Congress. Their major campaign theme was a document called the "Contract With America," whose major features called for balancing the budget and welfare reform -
Oklahoma City Bombing
(4/19/95)A truck bomb exploded in front of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The bomb was placed by Timothy MacVeigh and Terry Nichols; 168 people were killed in the bombing. MacVeigh was convicted and executed with Terry Nichols is serving a life term. The bombing represented what had been a growing anger at the federal government by groups of extremist. The effect ot the bombing however, undermined whatever support these groups might have had. -
Mexican Bailout
President Clinton invoked emergency powers and granted a $20 billion loan to bail out Mexico. The loan was controversial, but Mexico repaid the loan early, and the loan averted a major financial crisis. -
Troops to Bosnia
After several years of fighting and the deaths of tens of thousands, leaders of the battling forces met on November 1 at the Wright-Patterson Airforce Base, outside Dayton, Ohio, to negotiate a peace settlement. The Dayton Accords were initialed twenty days later, thus effectively bringing about a conditional end to armed hostilities. The accords were reinforced with 15,000 American ground troops, whose introduction assured that the ceasefire would be observed by all sides. In an effort to const -
1998 US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania Bombed
On August 7 1998 the US Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobia Kenya were bombed.Ê The two embassies were both bombed at the same time by truck bombs.Ê The bombings were the work of a local cell of Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda was led by Osama Bin Laden.Ê 213 people were killed in Nairobi including 12 Americans.Ê In Dar es Salam 12 people were killed.Ê In response President Clinton ordered cruise missile attacks on suspected Al Qaeda targets in Sudan and Afghanistan. -
President Clinton Impeached
President Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives in a straight party-line vote. The President was accused of lying to a Grand Jury and giving false testimony in his deposition in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Paula Jones accused the President of improper advances while he was governor of Arkansas, and the President was accused of lying about his affair with Monica Lewinsky. When the case went to the Senate, the Senate voted to acquit on a vote of 50 to 50; 66 votes were needed to find -
America Intervenes in Kosovo
The United States led NATO forces in a successful air campaign against Yugoslavia. The campaignÕs aim was to force the Yugoslavs to withdraw their forces, that were engaged in ethnic cleansing, from the province of Kosovo. After 78 days the Yugoslavs agreed to withdraw. NATO forces replaced the Yugoslavs in Kosovo. -
AOL Purchases Time Warner
The internet bubble reached its tops when on January 10th, 2000 America Online- announced the purchase of Time Warner Communications. Time Warner was both a larger company in terms of sales and assests, but with the Internet bubble at the top AOL's stock was valued at twice that of Time Warner. By the time the sale was consumated the bubble was over and it was clear that the stockholders of Time Warner had come out the losers. -
World Trade Center and Pentagon Attacked
On September 11th 2001 four groups of terrorists from al-Qaeda, hijacked four aircraft. The first two were crashed into the World Trade Center in New York, the third crashed into the Pentagon, the fourth crashed into a field in Pennslyvania. The first aircraft, American Airlines Flt 11 crashed into the North tower of the World Trade Center at 8:46AM. At 9:03 United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower of the WTC, At 9:37 American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. -
Congress Authorizes Force Against Iraq
On October 11th 2002 the US Congress passed a resolution authorizing the President to use force against Iraq if it did not abide UN resolutions and disarm. The House passed the resolution by 296- 133 and the Senate passed it 77-23. -
United Airlines Declares Bankrupcy
On December 9th 2002 United Airlines, the second largest US airline sought protection under a Chapter 11 bankrupcy filing. The filing the largest ever by a US airline resulted from continued losses some stemming from the September 11th attacks and difficult competition from low cost carriers such as Southwest Airlines -
Abu Gharib Prison
The American public was stunned when photos of American soldiers mistreating prisons at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq became public. Despite a number of inquiries it never became clear who was ultimately responsible for the actions -
First Hispanic Mayor Elected in Los Angeles
On May 17th 2005 Antonio Villaraigosa was elected the first Hisapnic mayor of Los Angeles. Villaraigosa had been a city council member who failed in his earlier bid to become mayor. The new mayor was elected with 59 percent of the vote decisively defeating the incumbent mayor James Hahn who he had lost to in the earlier election -
Hamdan vs Rumsfeld
The Supreme Court rejected the position of the Bush Administration that they can hold terrorist without due process and and without the protection of the Geneva Accords -
Obama Democratic Nominee
Senator Barak Obama Clinched the Democratic Nomination for President on June 3, 2008. Obama began his campaign as a long shot candidate, with Senator Hilary Clinton the presumptive nominee. That ended in the first contest when Senator Obama one the Iowa caucus. Senator Clinton rebounded with a victory in New Hampshire -
The Inauguration of President Barak Obama
On January 20th 2009 President Obama was inaugurated the 44th President of the Untied States. Close to 2 million packed the mall in Washington to watch the inauguration of the first African American President in American history. President Obama defeated Republican Senator John MCain to win the presidency -
Elana Kagan Becomes Fourth Female Justice
On August 7, 2010 Elana Kagan was sworn in a Supreme Court Justice. She became the fourth women justice and the first time that three women served at the same time. Kagan was born in New York in 1960. She attended Princeton, Oxford and Harvard Law School. She was a professor at the University of Chicago Law School, Associate White House Conusel in the Clinton White House. She was the dean of the Harvard Law School and Solicitor General in the Obama administration.