The execution of George Burroughs, John Willard, John Proctor, Martha Carrier, and George Jacobs
On this day, George Burroughs, John Willard, John Proctor, Martha Carrier, and George Jacobs were killed, although they said they were innocent, while a big crowd was watching them.
Among the crowd was Cotton Matter who said it would have been a righteous sentence. -
Convistion of Giles Cory
At noon, Giles Cory was pressed to death for not pleading an idictment on the charge of witchcraft. His trial lasted two days but he did not change his opinion -
Dorcas Hoar's confession
Dorcas Hoars confessed that she is a witch although she had already been condemned. Therefore, Samuel Sewall told the sheriff to hold back her execution, notwithstanding her being in the warrant to die the next day. -
Visitors at Sewall's house
William Stoughton, Esq. John Harthorne, Esq. Mr. Cotton Mather, and Capt. John Higginson, and his brother were at Sewall's house to speak about publishing some trials of witches. -
Praying for the bless of God
Samuel Sewall prayed that God would pardon his sins and show his way for the future. He also asks God help their judges and saves New England from witches and enemies.