Nazi troops march in the Rhineland
nazi troops march on rhineland, whitout permission, broking the treaty of versailles -
Hitler invaded and anexes Austria, he broke again the treaty of versailles, but france and north belgium were not ready to war -
The Sudetenland
Hitler invaded the sudetenland, borking the appeasment, but france and great birtain were not ready to war, so they live him whit the promize of not claim more territory -
Munich conference
the appeasment, a policy consisted on satysfaying Hitler territorial demands so as tu put of the out brake of war. -
Hitler invaded Czechoslovaquia
Soon after Hitler tooking the sudetenland he invaded the rest of Czechoslovaquia, this mean the end of appeasment, France and Britain siad enought -
Nazi-Soviet Pact
before declaration of war, the soviet anexed germany because if Hitler won the soviet union will have all east europe -
Hitler invade poland
Hitler invaded Poland and that was the out brake of the second world war. France and Great Britain declare the War