My life

  • when i met Jalyssa, Nel-sylvia and Amera'

    my three bestfriends <3
  • Principle's list

  • Period: to


  • Won Presidential Race

    Became SCA President for Larkspur Middle School
  • Freshmen Homecoming Princess

  • Nel-sylvia's Quincenera

    i cried :']
  • Started my first and only job at Beach City customs

  • Attended HOBY seminar

  • Certified athletic trainer

  • Ringdance!

  • Attended YOVASO retreat

  • visited the college of my dreams :]

    University of Maryland!
  • Won the Discus award

  • Apply to Virginia Tech

  • Senior's win Powder Puff!

  • I won Homecoming Queen :]

    I was also on tv :]
  • Apply to University of Maryland

  • Find out if i get accepted to Virginia Tech

  • Applying for position on Leadership workshop staff

  • Prom!

  • Graduation

  • Find out if I was accepted to maryland

  • Start college

  • Going to Denmark with Amera' to visit Simone!

  • Start an internship with a psychologist

  • Study abroad in Greece

  • Visit Dominican Republic

  • Complete Under-Grad

  • Start graduate program