Mager wrote Preparing Objectives for Programmed Instruction
NSPI formed between military and university researchers to train miliary personnel
Job Corps created
Individualizing education using computers to track student progress (PLAN)
Corrigan's Paper: Programmed Instruction as a Systems Approach to Education"
Individually prescribed instruction (IPI)
Technology in Teaching
Gagne develops Events of Instruction Framework
President Johnson invests in Education with War on Poverty
ESEA developed to support innovation in schools
Computer Assisted Instruction developed (CAI)
Integrated Learning Systems of films, audiotapes, and filmstrips
Bruner introduces Cognitive Theory
DAVI offers session on Programed Instruction
Instructional Design is born
Large businesses develop ISD models for training employees
Postlethwait formed organization: International Audio-Tutorial Congress
Discover Method of instruction
Instructional Development Institute (IDI) formed to train educators
AECT is developed
Military develops program for instructional systems
First profesional journal published (JID)
The Power of Computers
During the '80s more access to computers. A new delivery platform is born...digital media. -
IBSTPI issues competencybased standards for ID
ADDIE Model/Process is fundamental to ISD
Access to Internet become more commonplace
During the 1990s rapid growth of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Web-based instruction requires more learner control rather than teacher controlled learning activities. -
Constructivism Theory of Learning developed
Instructional Technology has come of age
Learning Objects