Causes of the Civil War Fisher

  • Slavery

    The South had a lot of cotton in there fields. The North had mostly cities. Since there was so much fields of cotton in the South, the wealthy whits would buy the poor blackes and treat them as animals.
  • Period: to

    Causes of the Civil War

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Missouri wanted to become a slave state, and Maine wanted to become a free state. So they both became what they wanted becasue that would even out slave and free states. Henry Clay had an idea that he would draw a line 30degress North of Missiouri, any states that were North of it was a free state and anyone South was a slave state. That helped the Union for thirty years.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    After the Mexican war the North and th South were arguing about who should get the western states. Henry Clay suggested that they should have a comprmise. To make the North happy they got California as a free state and stopped the sale of slaves in the nations captial Washinton, D.C. To please the South Utah and New Mexico could vote wheather to have slavery or not, they also got a fugtive slave law that the North would help capture runaways.
  • Kanas-Nebraska act

    Kanas-Nebraska act
    People voted if Kanas and Nebraska should be slave states or free states. After all the people voted, Kanas went to the South and became a slave state. Nebraska went to the North and became a free state.
  • Dred Scot

    Dred Scot
    Dred Scot was a black who his owner took him to Illinois which is a free state. When they got to the north Dred sued for his freedom because he was in a free state. After going into court many times, The Supreme Court said that scot was not allowed to be free because he is still with his owner. They also said that Dred and his family were proerty.
  • John Brown Rebellion

    John Brown Rebellion
    John Brown, his two sons, and a group of follwers attacked an arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia. They easily took out the arsenal. The South thought that the goverment told them to attack. The South was also scared that the slaves were going to team up.
  • Secession

    The Secession was when South Carolina, Mississippi, Georgia, Texas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, and Virginia withdrawed form the Union becasue of slavery. South Carolina was the frist state to leave the country. After that the states started to follow. All these states left the country just for slavery and made there own country call the Confederate States of America.