Imperialism in India

By madfeg1
  • Jan 1, 1497

    Vasco De Gama sails for India

    Vasco De Gama and his crew were amazed by all the spices and rare items. They brought much of the cargo back to Portugal.
  • Establishment of The British East India Company

    The BEIC won trading rights and built posts at Bombay, Madras and Calcutta. They traded gold&silver for cotton, silk&tea.
  • Decline of the Mughal Empire

    This occured when Aurangzeb's reign came to an end.
  • Industrial Revolution in Great Britain

    The making of machine goods beginning in England. Before this, work was performed by hand.
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    Sepoys thought that the new rifle cartridges were greased with pork and beef fat. Result was widespread rebellion. (100,000 were killed.)
  • British Overcome French and take Control of India

    There were many positive and negative effects of British rule.
  • British Colonized India

    They colonize India out of fear of more revolts.
  • Creation of the INC

    Gradual change. Wanted to allow hindus to hold government jobs.
  • Creation of the Muslim League

    Muhammad Ali Jinnah led the Muslim League; wanted Indian independence.
  • Amritsar Massacre

    Cause: protesting the Rowlatt acts. Fasted, prayed, and listened to political speeches. Result: massacre of people who attende. (slmost 400 Indians dead)
  • Rowlett Acts

    Laws that gave the permission to the gov' imprison protesters.
  • Mohandas Gandhi's Leadership on the INC

    Made a non-violent fight for integration. He blended many religions in his teachings'.
  • Gandhi's travels stressing nonviolent resistance

    He led teachings. Congress party endorsed Civil Disobedience.
  • The Salt March

    Goal: to be able to buy salt from other sources than just the government&no longer pay taxes on salt.
    Result: violence toward Indians. 60,000 (Gandhi included) sent to jail.
  • Gov't of India Act

    The act gave local self government and limited democratic elections. Did not allow total independence.
  • WWII--Riots Between Hindus and Muslims

    4 days of fighting left 5,000 people dead and 15,000 hurt.
  • Partition

    Division of India into 2 separate Hindu and Muslim nations.
  • India/Pakistan Independence

    Independence was passed by the House of Commons
  • Gandhi's Death

    Killed by a Hindu who thought Gandhi was too protective of the Muslims.