1944 Education Act
(The Butler Act) A majority of previous education legislation was replaced by this act. Eatablished three stages of education: primary, secondary and further education. -
Free Milk
Free milk was provided for all students. -
The Crowther Report
It recommended raising the school leaving age to 16 and the provision of further education for 15-19 year olds. -
Newsom Report
The report was titled "Half Our Future" and it looked at reading test scores for pupils aged 13-16 with results showing average and below average ability. -
Circular 10/65
The Circular declared that labour who was in government at the time had intentions to "end selection at 11 plus and to eliminate separation in seconardy school education" (Chitty, 2002, p.18). -
Local Government Act
This act made changes in funding for the LEAs and the central government. -
The Plowden Report
This report promoted child centered education and was not favoured by the traditionalists. -
Children and Young Persons Act
this act gave LEAs responsibilities for children not recieving education or in need of care and control. -
Education Milk Act
This act limited the provision of free milk in school. -
School Leaving Age
The school leaving age was raised to 16. -
Employment and training Act
This act allowed LEAs to set up career services and established the Manpower Services Commision. -
Sex Discrimination Act
This act led to affects on school admissions, appointments and curricula. -
Warnock Report
The report was on the provision of young people and children with special needs. -
Education (special needs) Act
This act gave parents new rights in realtion to special needs. -
Education Reform Act
In this act the core subjects were stated and SATs for core subjects were introduced. -
Schools Standards and Framework Act
This act established Education Action Zones, limited infant class size and encouraged selection by specialisation. -
GCSE's wre introduced - a new method of assessment. -
I was born at 10.33pm on the 18/05/1989. The name given to was Balraj Singh Sohal. -
Osted was established to monitor and report the quality in schools. -
Teacher Training Agency
It took control of the funding and the quality of teacher training. -
Dorrington Primary School
I started Primary School at the age of four. The picture to the left is of me in year 2. I did my SATs in year six. -
New Labour
Tony Blair led the new Labour Government. -
Sure Start
A programme established in areas of social deprivation to work with 03 year olds and their families. -
City Academies
David Blunkett announced the government's intention to create a network of academies which esentially are private schools funded by the state. -
I attemped the 11+ and failed but was happy as many of my friends were going to the local comprehensive school. -
Hamstead Hall Secondary School
After failing the 11+ i went to Hamstead Hall School. This is where i carried out my GCSEs in year 11. -
The Children Act
Every Child Matters - More schools to provide out of school activities, community facilities, family support etc.. -
Education Act
This act addressed funding for schools and looked takes responsibility for the whole school workforce. -
National Strategy for Secondary Education
This strategy replaced the key stage 3 strategy. It promotes "interactive and inclusive", imporving child's learing and innovative use of ICT. -
Hamstead Hall Sixthform
I carried out my A Levels at Hamstead Hall Sixthform. I found that staying on was better than going to a college as i had built good relationships with the teachers. -
Children's Workforce Strategy
It was launched to provide highly qualified professionals in "the team around the child". -
Aston University
I went to Aston University to study Computing for Business. -
I graduated on the 17th July 2010. I recieved a BSc. in Computing for Business. -
I started my PGCE in ICT at Wolverhampton University.