Period: 200 to
Height of Harrapan Civilization- 2500- 200 B.C.E
Period: 202 to 220
Buddhism Arrives in China- 202 B.C.E- 220 A.D
Period: 206 to 220
Han Dynasty- 206 B.C- 220 A.D
Period: 220 to
Printing Invented- 220 A.D
The first press was invented in Europe. The printing press was made to transfer text from wood onto paper using ink. -
Period: 250 to
Theravada doctrine codified- 250 B.C.E
School of Buddhism in 250 BCE. -
Period: 256 to Oct 4, 1100
Zhou Dynasty- 1100- 256 B.C.E
Tha Mandate of heaven. Time period were they had to divide up the power, auseing a very violent period in time. -
Period: 313 to
Edict of Milan- 313 C.E
THe Edict of Milamn Guaranteed freedom to worship any religion. This occured in 313 CE. -
Period: 320 to 550
Gupta Dynasty- 320 – 550 C.E.
Had India contolled by the Military. -
Period: 323 to 356
Alexander the Great- 356-323 B.C.E.
Period: 330 to
Roman Capital Moves to Constantinople- 330 A.D
Period: 336 to 500
Height of Greek City-States- 500- 336 B.C
Period: 400 to 500
Gunpowder Developed- 400 – 500’s B.C.E
Gunpowder was developed throughout the 400-500 CE time period. -
Period: 410 to
Sack of Rome- 410 B.C.E
The first time in centuries that Rome fell. This was in 410 BCE. -
Period: 434 to 453
Attila the Hun- 434- 453
He reigned from 434-453 CE. -
Period: 500 to Oct 4, 1100
Bantu Migration Reaches South Africa- 3000 B.C.E – 1100 A.D
Bantu practives start to migrate to South Africa. -
Period: 527 to 565
Justinian- 527- 565
Period: Oct 4, 1000 to
Hittites Develops Iron- 1000 B.C.E.
They would warm the metal until it was flexible then pounded it and placed it in cold water. -
Period: Oct 4, 1000 to
Phoenicians- 1000 B.C.E.
The Phoenicians were traders in the Mediteranian. -
Period: Oct 4, 1122 to
Shang Dynasty- 1766- 1122 B.C.E
Left written records in graves. Little info survives -
Period: to
Babylonian Empire- 1894 B.C.E.
First Empire -
Period: to
Jesus- 5 B.C.E- 34 C.E
Jesus Christ, 5 B.C.E- 34 C.E. -
Period: to
St. Paul- 5- 65 C.E.
Period: to
Pax Romana- 10 B.C.E
Period: to
Destruction of second temple in Jerusalem- 1970 B.C.E
Romans destoried the temple in Jerusalem. -
Period: to
Regular use of bronze in Egypt & Mesopotamia-
Period: to 551
Confucius- 551- 479 B.C.E
He was a man named Kongzi Confucious, legalism controlled by the people. -
Period: to 470
Socrates- 470- 399 B.C.E
Period: to 563
Siddhartha Gautama- 563- 483 B.C.E.
Period: to
Cuneiform Writing Begins- 3300 B.C.E.
Wouldn't let me save without writing in the end date. That is why it says 5000!!!! -
Period: to
Height of Egyptian Civilization- 3510 B.C.E
A population increase.