8 Stages of Development

By nmrok14
  • Period: to

    Prenatal stage

  • Ultrasound

  • Cognitive

    I would get hungry and move to tell my mom by moving around
  • Physical

    I started kicking and moving around
  • Prenatal development and birth

    Prenatal development and birth
    On June 2nd, 2000, I was born at LeBoner hospital in Memphis, TN.
  • Period: to

    The Beginning Years

  • Emotional Development

    I could feel happy or sad when my parents didn't give me attention. I learned I could trust my parents really easily as they were always there for me and very reliable as parents.
  • Physical Development

    As a baby, I was very shy but playful at times. I had trouble eating and eventually had to go to the hospital to get surgery on respiratory system.
  • Infancy Stage

    Infancy Stage
  • Spiritual Development

    I was dedicated as a baby at First Evangelical Church in Memphis Tennesee when I was 1 years old
  • Cognitive Development

    I could wave hello and goodbye. My parents mostly would not let me do things by myself during this stage of life. This made it more difficult to find autonomy
  • Period: to

    The Play Years

  • Early Childhood Stage

    Early Childhood Stage
  • Physical Development

    As I got into preschool I started being more outgoing and would initiate playing with friends on the playground and activities.
  • Cognitive Development

    I began leaning how things go together through playing with big legos and blocks. I also would play with trains.
  • Emotional Development

    Emotional Development
    I learned how to manage emotions such as anger, excitement, or sadness through playing with cars and different toys with my siblings and friends
  • Spiritual development

    My parents would read from different children's bible stories with pictures and they gifted me a couple of Bible short story books like Noah's Ark or the story of Moses.
  • Period: to

    Elementary Age

  • Middle Childhood

    Middle Childhood
  • Physical Development

    Physical Development
    I started playing basketball and T-ball. I enjoyed going outside for recess and engaging with friends during this time.
  • Emotional Development

    Emotional Development
    I learned to regulate emotions through playing sports with friends and showing empathy when others needed my help. I was very caring to others feelings and would stick by my friends side when they were struggling or upset.
  • Cognitive Development

    I was encouraged by teachers to learn through playing matching games and other activities that allowed me to figure out for myself how things work and lives functions.
  • Spiritual Development

    I went to Awana which was a children's group at First Evangelical Church. My parents deeply instilled a Christian mindset in my family and they continued to read stories to me and my siblings of Jesus. My mom also had a prayer drawer where we would draw names from this drawer and pray for them.
  • Period: to

    Middle/High School Age

  • Adolescence Stage

    Adolescence Stage
  • Physical Development

    I joined the cross country team in middle school and would play basketball with my friends as we were on a church team together. I was taught to play sports honoring God as I went to a private school
  • Cognitive Development

    Cognitive Development
    I attended to Evangelical Christian School during my middle school and high school years. There my teachers taught the gospel and instilled it in whatever lesson they gave. The Bible was related in whatever class I took such as: Math, Geography, or English.
  • Emotional Development

    There were many events and activities I was a part of during this time such as fall fest or theatre and plays that I was able to engage with my peers. In middle school and high school I was quieter and processed what I saw around me before initiating with others and during events. I also was questioning what my purpose past this stage was going to be and at times even doubted I would get to the college stage of life.
  • Spiritual Development

    Spiritual Development
    While I went to a Christian school and continued going to the same church where I was dedicated as a baby, the Bible was poured into my life and my circle was full of Christian people. I finally dedicated my life to Christ during the summer of my 8th grade year. My teachers were also a big inspiration for my Christian walk as well as my parents continuing to teach me and setting an example of living a life full of Christ and the Holy Spirit.
  • Period: to

    College Age

  • Emerging Adulthood

    Emerging Adulthood
  • Spiritual Development

    Spiritual Development
    I have been challenged a lot with my faith since being at Lee and have become stronger with my walk in Christ and how to be a good steward with what I have as well as serving my community and those who are not as fortunate as I am.
  • Emotional Development

    I have been there for my peers and being in a greek club at Lee has torn down any emotional guards I previously had. I have been there more my friends in Theta and outside Theta and have been an ear for them to come to when they need to talk.
  • Physical Development

    I have been active playing tennis and basketball on campus. I am in a greek club at Lee University and have been involved in many different events such as H2OAK.
  • Cognitive Development

    Cognitive Development
    In college, I have learned to think for myself and discover more of my passions and what I want to do for the rest of my life. These 4 years have been a jump start to my career in the digital media industry and I have learned and attained many skills that I can take with me after I graduate in my media field and in my Christian walk with the Holy Spirit
  • Period: to


  • Young Adulthood

    Young Adulthood
  • Physical Development

    I expect to be going to the gym regularly and being active when I have kids and playing sports with them as they grow older. This will help the crisis of intimacy as me and my wife plan to do physical excercises like taking walks and playing with our kids.
  • Cognitive Development

    I will shift my focus off myself and on my kids and their progress as they age and learn about life. I will still be learning more of my career as I progress in the media industry
  • Emotional Development

    I will be active constantly through work and home life. I hope to join a community or church group with other parents my age. I also hope to be supportive with my kids and encourage them to join and be active in some kind of sports team or activity in elementary and throughout their school stages.
  • Spiritual Development

    I hope to be active in the church and find somewhere to serve maybe in the church youth group when my kids get older.
  • Period: to

    Elderly Stage

  • Future Development

    Future Development
  • Physical Development

    I hope to eat healthier and stay fit by taking frequent walks and just staying active. I hope to work a lot during this stage as I head towards retirement in my mid 60s
  • Cognitive Development

    I hope to continue to learn new things when I'm older and start new trends and hobbies I can use to stay active and keep myself busy. I don't want to be stagnant in my life later on. I want to teach others about my life experiences and share life lessons I learned and how young kids and adults can be mentored by me.
  • Emotional Development

    I hope to be able to look back on life and feel accomplished for the decisions I made and how I spent the majority of my life. I may not live a perfect life but I would like to live it with integrity and with a good moral compass. I hope to show others compassion later in my life and show care to elders alike that I can relate with
  • Spiritual Development

    I hope to live my life and look back with my faith being firm in the holy spirit and mentoring others when I get older. I also hope to continue to attend church and be very active in one church in my adulthood. I want to live my life with honesty and be a God fearing man.