chapter 5 - 353
fiction (22-57) 35
Junie Moon (suspect in murder) is getting ready to be interview about the Michael Champion case. The interview has been going on for hours and the police are getting know where. -
chapter 1 - 353
fiction (1-22) 21
Arich familey are enjoying a night when two intruders walk in. they wrap them up and set their house on fire, leaving them there to burn. -
chapter 18 - 353
fiction (57-111) 54
Lyndey and her partner are at the scene of another fire. The residents are dead and they are left wondering who did it. Yuki just showed up at the court room waiting for her boss to come. -
chapter 38- 353
fiction (111-136) 25
Yuki is at the court house getting ready to make her statement. After she does shes feeling pretty good. It goes back to the criminals geeting ready to strike again at another wealthy house. -
chapter 46- 353
fiction (137-182) 46
Lyndey and her friends Claire are going out to eat and are disscussing all of the cimes that have happened with the houses that have been set on fire. Later Lyndsy is talking with her partner that she might have some feelings for, but doesnt want them. -
chapter 60 - 353
fiction(183-208) 25
Lyndsey and her partner come across the crime scene and see all of the damage a fire caused. After being there for a while investigating, she gets a call, her house has been burnt down by the same criminal that did the other fires. -
chapter 96 - 353
Fiction: 229-276 (47)
Yuki is back at the court house, getting ready to question the next person. All of her friends think shes done a great job, but she doesnt. The next day, the get the verdicted. She lost the case. -
chapter 72, 377
Fiction- 353,209-229; total (20)
It starts off back at the court house where Yuki is working on a case. She is questioning a cop for the case she took on and is doing pretty good. Later she meets up with Lyndsey and tells her all about it. They talk for a while until Lyndsey gets a call from her partner. -
chapter 96- 353
fiction- 276-320 (44)
Yuki is walking with Twilly (an author) in the woods outside the resort Yuki is staying at. Twilly is acting suspisious, so Yuki is on edge. She starts to fell funny and starts to worry even more. -
chapter 113- 353
fiction- 320-353 (33)
Lyndsey is at her office looking into the case she has been working on, when she gets a lead. Lyndsey and her partner then go to the house of the suspect and take him down.