7D Personal Timeline 9

By Jayve 9
  • Going To My First Day At Grade 4

    Going To My First Day At Grade 4
    Grade 4 was an important memory, because it made me meet new people, and new subjects! It was really fun.
  • Meeting Mrs Spitsanuk

    Mrs spitsanuk was my grade 4 teacher, she was amazing!
  • Moving into our new house

    Moving into our new house
    Before we moved into our house, we lived in an apartment, But one day someone broke the windows of our car. My parents wanted to make sure that this never happened again, so we moved out into a new house.
  • Meeting Mrs. Clark

    She was my grade 6 teacher, yet another amazing teacher.
  • Celebrating my birthday

     Celebrating my birthday
    My birthday was an impactful memory! Because it celebrates the day I was born, and how much care my parents did for me.
  • Getting a ps4

    Getting a ps4
    This was a really fun moment of my life! Because I always had an xbox 360 for 8 YEARS! Now I finally have a console where I can try new games!
  • Making a garden!

    Making a garden!
    My mom and dad wanted to make our house beautiful! This memory is important because it really shows how much my mom and dad put effort into it. Of course I also helped.
  • Getting vaccinated

    Getting vaccinated
    I got vaccinated, it hurt a little, but now I'm safe from covid!
  • Getting genshin impact

    Getting genshin impact
    Genshin Impact was a really fun game, it's in this chart because it was my first time trying out a new game after a while, and it made me want to try out more games i haven't tried yet.
  • Reuniting with old friends!!

    Reuniting with old friends!!
    This was really impactful, because I never knew how much they missed me! We had fun playing all together.