Jan 1, 1503
Art: Mona Lisa
She smiles and she follows you with her eyes. But what secrets are behind those eyes? -
Architecture: Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower has been an amazing landmark for some centuries. It is a destination of beauty, secrets, and love. -
Locale: Paris
Paris is about young love, high fashion, and long walks along the Seine River. -
Poem: I Have a Dream
I Have A Dream is the most inspiring speach of all time. Reaching out to many people around the world. -
Literature: The Host
A book that makes you think about the future of planet Earth. It expands your worldview. -
Song: Beneath Your Beatuiful
This song describes the struggles of insecure young adults. -
Other: The Colliseum
A death zone, where innocent people had to fight animals to the death.