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7C Personal Timeline 4

  • +3 I'm on Earth!

    +3 I'm on Earth!
    I was born on April 21, 2009, and met my relatives and parents for the first time ever.
  • +2 My First Birthday

    +2 My First Birthday
    My first birthday was in Jollibee, all my friends and family were there, and it was Spider-Man themed with Spider-Man decorations, Spider-Man cake and other Spider-Man foods.
  • +4 My First Friend

    +4 My First Friend
    Met my first friend in 2011. His mom and my mom were good friends, so that's how we became best friends. We stopped being friends when I moved to Canada and had no contact, but the last time I saw him was in 2018.
  • +4 My Second-Ever School

    +4 My Second-Ever School
    I enrolled at St. Teresa of Calcutta from 2014-2021, I made so many great and awesome friends there, I’m still in contact with some of them to this day.
  • +5 New Country, New Opportunities

    +5 New Country, New Opportunities
    Moved to Canada in 2014. My dad had moved to Canada in March 2012, but returned to the Philippines in October 2014. My mother and I decided to move to Canada with him when he came back.
  • -5 Tears of Sadness

    -5 Tears of Sadness
    When I went on vacation to the US to see some of my family members. After around a month of staying there, late at night, my grandfather passed away, then one of my uncles had unfortunately also passed away. It was the first time I experienced something like this.
  • +2 Dream Come True

    +2 Dream Come True
    In 2015, I had always wanted to become a YouTuber, and in 2017, I got to make a YouTube channel. I made videos and made so many good friends on the website. I left in 2020 because of "drama", and I remember getting gmails from random people, sending mysterious links, but it was dream come true to me, and it made me super happy when I was young.
  • -3 The Worst Year Ever

    -3 The Worst Year Ever
    COVID-19 started to really put an effect in people's lives in the beginning of 2020, so I did the rest of Gr. 5 and all of Gr. 6 online. It has really affected my life, and I wish everything to go back to normal again.
  • -1 Goodbye Elementary

    -1 Goodbye Elementary
    I finished Elementary school and St. Teresa of Calcutta overall in 2021. It was very sad, especially since I loved that school, I miss it a lot.
  • +1 Junior High

    +1 Junior High
    I started Junior High, but online. It’s a new fresh start, and I don’t know anyone from Genesis since most of my classmates and friends from elementary school had probably gone back and did in-person again.