7C Personal Timeline 10

  • (+5) My start to the world.

    (+5) My start to the world.
    When I came into this world, I was a beautiful child. My parents were happy that they had a child at last, and a strong one too.
  • (+3) The crazy, freezing ride!

    (+3) The crazy, freezing ride!
    When we moved to Canada, it was quite the wild ride. My Dad was actually already living there, so my mom and I needed to move there with him. I was 6 months old. It was winter and I had a pink fluffy jacket. My mom, however, was wearing a jeans jacket. She wasn’t used to it since we were coming from Nigeria to Canada.
  • Me,The new big sister!

    Me,The new big sister!
    When my sister was born, I was so excited to be a big sister. Too excited that I didn't go to daycare. I coloured while waiting.
  • (+5) My Big Welcome!

    (+5) My Big Welcome!
    Me and my family escaped the Fort Mcmurray wildfire and I had to continue school in Edmonton. I was so nervous! But when I got to the classroom, they gave me the biggest, welcome, ever.
  • (+4) Double Digits!

    (+4) Double Digits!
    When I turned 10, it was great! We had a big party, and all of my friends came. They celebrated with me so well! I felt so special.
  • (+5) One new CPA for 2020!

    (+5) One new CPA for 2020!
    CPA is short for chartered professional accountant. It is a high honor for accountants who have passed a certain CPA test. My mom was so happy when she found out she had passed.
  • (+5) The start of a new town, a Lego town!

    (+5) The start of a new town, a Lego town!
    In 2020, one day, we were bored. COVID-19 was still new in Alberta and we didn’t know what to do while being stuck at home all day. So my mom suggested building Lego houses, and then we just worked on one together, and that is how Lego Town started.
  • (+3) Being a Youth.

    (+3) Being a Youth.
    When I started youth church, I was really nervous because it was my first time. I didn’t know they were doing it online, and the kids at church were not always nice. But the kids and leaders there were friendly and I was excited to keep doing youth.
  • (+5) A Big Finish!

    (+5) A Big Finish!
    Finishing elementary was a big step for me. I cried that day, knowing I wouldn’t see my teacher again for a long time, but she left a package for all of us. In mine, I got a certificate! Wow!
  • (+5) A Wonderful Start!

    (+5) A Wonderful Start!
    On the first day of Grade 7, I was so nervous! I had such a funny feeling in my tummy and it was hard to eat anything. I was going to a new school and starting Jr. High! Though, I was glad it was Online, since I was online last year as well. But the first day of Jr. High was A-ma-zing!