
7A-Danny Wiliam´s life Guti´s life

  • Period: to

    My best friend

    My best friend since I have memories is Sebastian Chitin he alway help me when I need him He's been my friend since preschool a have allot of good memories.He is good at soccer like me and the only thing that he don't have in common with me is that he's favorite team is Barcelona and my fav is Real Madrid
  • When I was born

    When I was born
    Well my mon said that it was a super special day for her and my dad but no to much for my brother but my parents said that he always love me and I love him and all my family and all my family love me and we are a happy family and happy forever but sometimes they yell at me but I now that they love me
  • My first word

    My first word
    My first word was Mom and my second was " I love Real Madrid " because Real Madrid has being my favorite team since I was born because one day I see one amazing goal of Real Madrid and that amazing goal was from David Becham one of the Galactics the best team ever exist
  • My first soccer game

    My first soccer game
    It was cool we win 2-0 and I stop a shot and it was good and bad good because we win and bad because the ball hit me on the face and I started crying but mostly good because that moment was unforgettable because it was my first game of my favorite sport .I love soccer
  • My firs kicked ball

    My firs kicked ball
    That was a super special moment becouce I define wath was my favorite sport and when I kick it I give a wrong step and fall and I love that time because it was soapy and I was laughing like crazy and it was amazing it was so cool and it was memorial that day that I discover my favorite sport
  • American School of Pachuca

    American School of Pachuca
    My school this is the best school ever . Ive being there since I was like 3 years that school is like my 2 house. It is so amazing I made allot of friend hear and my best friend Chiti and allot more and here I have allot of memories it is amazing these school Is my second home
  • My 4birthday party

    My 4birthday party
    It was cool all my friend go to PikoloMondo and we were all happy the give me of gift a soccer ball y remember. And I remember my favorite goalie was Ochoa because I have allot of toys of him but I hated America so I change the uniform so it be like Mexico and It was so cool
  • Yael´s Party

    Yael´s Party
    Yoel in first grade was my best friend he's party were all amazing like Gretas party right now the bests party. On this party he bring a Mario Bros cake and I love it it was so cool it was like a ches but on Mario Bros but in cake . His party was so amazing
  • Period: to

    My first girlfriend that I remember

    She was the daughter of a soccer player named Guillermo Franco , her name was C.....a Franco . She has blond her and Blue ayes she was my girlfriend and when they move of team to Guillermo Franco Camila moved and we stopped being boyfriends that is my first girlfriend,
  • My pet Ringo

    My pet Ringo
    The name of my pet is ringo is a golden retriever and he always is playing. We rescue him from a dog pawn and I see him and he do many tricks like siting or Give his hand that is why I now he is special for me He has Blond hair and blu eyes He is beautiful like his owner like me
  • My graduation

    My graduation
    We graduate on primary. I was happy and sad at the same time because I have allot of memories on primary. But the good thing is that I have new friend and tow new boys named Mau and Brandon Mau is smart and hi is from Apan and Brandon is from colegio Londres.
  • My firs singing club

    My firs singing club
    My fist singing club was New Castle I bullied my now best friend Alex Hunter that he didn't had a contract and that I have one but he became my best friend and it was amazig when they buy me and my coach Diño he was cool because he had a good personality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eeSDg7M_R4