Education Act
The Education Act of 1944 was steered through Parliament by the Education Minister, R.A. Butler. The Act provided free secondary education for all pupils. -
Free School Milk Introduced
School Milk Act introduced by the Minister of Education 'Ellen Wilkinson' (First woman in British History to hold the post) -
School Leaving Age Raised to 15
Enforced by the '1944 Education Act' -
GCE's (General Certificate of Education) introduced
The GCE was originally introduced in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in 1951, replacing the older School Certificate (SC) and Higher School Certificate (HSC). -
Beloe Report
Secondary school examinations other than GCE led to the introduction of the Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE). -
CSE introduced
Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) introduced in England and Wales. -
Margaret Thatcher stops free school milk
Maggie Thatcher stops free milk to schools earning her the nickname "Maggie Thatcher, Milk Snatcher" -
Age for leaving school raised to 16
School leaving age raised to 16. -
Education Act
Postgraduate students were no longer eligible for LEA grants. -
Sex Discrimination Act
Made it unlawful for Educational Establishments to directly or indirectly discriminate on grounds of sex, or victimise in the following areas: Admission Policies. Access to classes, courses or other benefits, facilities or services provided by the School or College. Exclusions or any other unfavourable treatment. -
Race Relations Act
The aim of the general duty is to make promoting race equality central to the way public authorities work; and this includes schools. The general duty says that the body must have 'due regard' to the need to: Eliminate unlawful racial discrimination; and promote equality of opportunity and good relations between people of different racial groups. -
PGCE made compulsory
PGCE was made compulsory for any individual that would like to enter the profession of 'Teaching'. -
Warnock Report
It introduced the idea of special educational needs (SEN), "statements" of SEN, and an "integrative"—which later became known as "inclusive"—approach, based on common educational goals for all children regardless of their abilities or disabilities: namely independence, enjoyment, and understanding. -
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) common 16+ exam system replaced GCE O Level and CSE. -
National Council for Vocational Qualifications Established
National Council for Vocational Qualifications (NCVQ) established to promote National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs). -
Year of birth
The year of my birth. -
The National Curriculum
The National Curriculum introduced In England and Wales -
Educational Reform Act
Major act establishing the National Curriculum, testing regime, Local Management of Schools (LMS) etc. -
Introduction of SATS
SATs also known as 'National Curriculum Tests' were introduced and are a series of assessments that are used to assess the attainment of children attending maintained schools in England. They comprise a mixture of teacher-led and test-based assessment depending on the age of the pupils. -
OFSTED Established
1992 Education (Schools) Act established Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education) - privatised schools inspection body. -
The Department of Education & Science (DES) Renamed
DFE the Department of Education and Science was renamed the Department for Education. -
Sat KS1s
Took my Key Stage 1 (KS1) Examinations -
A* Grade introduced for GCSE's
The A* grade was introduced to distinguish the very top end of achievement. -
Sat KS2s
Took my Key Stage 2 (KS2) Examinations -
Start Secondary School
Started Secondary School at 'Pendeford High School'. This was later to be renamed ' Pendeford Business and Enterprise College'. -
The 1998 Education (Student Loans) Act
Transferred provision of student loans to the private sector. -
Teaching and Higher Education Act
Established the General Teaching Council (GTC), abolished student maintenance grants and required students to contribute towards tuition fees. -
Took my Key Stage 3 (KS3) Examinations -
Finish Secondary School
Finished Secondary School after completing GCSE's. Achieved 4 Grade B's, 2 Grade C's & 3 Grade D's -
Start College (AVCE ICT)
Started College at the 'City of Wolverhampton College' to start learning the 'Advanced Vocational Certificate of Education' (AVCE) in 'Information Communication Technology' (ICT). -
The Childrens Act 2004
Every Child Matters implemented along with a 5 year strategy for Children and Learning. -
Finish College
Finished College Education after completing the course, achieving a 'BC' Grade. -
Start University (Wolverhampton)
Started University at the 'University of Wolverhampton' to learn 'Computer Science'. -
Start Industrial Work Placement (Nissan Motors)
Started my Industrial Work Placement at 'Nissan Motor Manufactering UK' in Sunderland for one year as part of Sandwich Degree. -
SATs Abolished
SATs were abolished after the 'National Union of Teachers' voted to ballot members on boycotting SATs tests. -
Graduate from University
Graduated from University with a 'Computer Science' Degree with 'Honours'. -
Started my 'Post Graduate Certificate of Education' (PGCE) in 'ICT' at the University of Wolverhampton.