Louis XVI Calls the Estates-General
Storming of the Bastille
The people of france surrounded the Batille and deamanded for weapons and gun powder. the commander refused to give them what they wanted so the general opened fire on the crowd. This started a battle which the enraged crowd of people broke though the defenses. Thounsands of people were killed including the general.The people attacked Bastille because they were angered that they were getting taxed and the first and second estates were'nt. -
Rights of Man
Declaration of the Rights of Man was a step forward in to writing a constitutation, the Assembly issued it and the citizen and it was modeled in part of the Declaration of Independence which was written 13 years earlier. The Rights of Man showed how all people are equel. But women we displeased because it didnt grant equel citizen ship to them. -
Women's March on Versailles
On October 5 about 6 thousand woman marched 13 miles in the pouring rain from Paris to Varsailles shouting "BREAD!" they deamanded to see the king. These women wanted the same rights as men and were mad at the queen's because she was living so lavishly. -
Church Under State Control
The National Assembly put the French Catholic Church under state control which was a very radical move. Bishops and Priests became elected and salaried officals. The Civil Constitution ended papal authority over the French church and dissovled convents and monasteries. -
The Constitution of 1791
The Constitution was set up as limited monarchy and not absolute monarchy. The law makers would be elected by tax-paying male citizens -
The king of Prussia and Emperor of Austria who was Marie Antoinettes brother issued the Declaration of Pilnitz which was the two mnarchs threatened to intervene to protect France's monarchy. It was mostly a bluff but the revolutionaries took it serious and prepared for war. -
Period: to
War of Words
French RevolutionOctober the newly elected legislative assembly took office faced with crises at home survived for les than a year. Economice problems fed renewed turmoil. There money dropped in value and prices's rised rapidly and also led to food shortages.
The War of Words between French Revolutioneries and Eiropean Monarchs moved into battlefield. The assembly was eager to destroy tyranny and they declared war o Austria and then Prussia, Britian, and other states. -
Monarhcy is Abolished
Tensions lead to violence. On August a crowd of Parisians stormed the royal palace of Tuileries and slaughtered the kings guards the royal family escaped before the mpb arrived. Backed by paris crowds, radicals then took control of the assembly. The radicals then called for the election of a new legislative body called the National Convention. -
The Convention
The Convention was a more radical body than the earlier assemblies. It voted to abolish monarhcy and establish a republic. The French Republic. Then the deputies drew up a new constitution for the French. During the early Months King Louis XVI was on trial as a traitor to France. The king was convicted to death. -
King Louis XVI is Exicuted
The king on a foggy morning was mounted and a scaffold in a public square in Paric. -
Period: to
Robespierre and his Reign of Terror
French RevolutionFrance was at war with most of Europe and to deal with the fhreats the Convention created the Commite of Public Safety. The twelve membered commite had almost absolute power as it battled to save the revoluton. The leader of the Commite of Public Safety Maximiliem Robespierre. Robespierre was the cheif architechs of the reghn of terror. Robesierre's method was if you strike terror in people's lives they will more than likely fowllow you. This lasted to from septeber 1794 to when he was excuted. -
Revolution and war gave the French people a strong sence of Nationalism or national identity. Nationalism is a strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country. This spread thourgh out Fance. The French people attenteded civic festivals that celebrated the national and the revolution. France was now a Nation in Arms. -
3rd Stage of the Revolution
The third constitution was written since 1789. A 5 man direcory plus 2 house legistate elected by male citzens who owned properity. The directory would hold power from 1795 to 1799. Polititions turned to Napolean Bonaparte for guidence(who evebtually became ruler of France).