Ashley Hibshman French Revolution

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    Financial Trouble 2

    reduce expences or both. Louis XIV could not figure out the economic crisis and what to do about it. Louis decided to hire Jacques Necker a financial expert to help. Neck proposed taxing the 1st and 2nd estates, but the clergy and nobles forced the king to dismiss him because they didn't like the idea.
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    Financial Troubles

    Jacques Necker The goverment was spending more money than it took it and this caused economic troubles. After the 7 years war and American revolution France was left in debt. By 1789, half of the government income from taxes went towards intrest on debt. Then in the late 1780's bad harvests sent food prices way up. The government weren't sure what step to take next, they would have to either increase taxes, reduce
  • Rights of Man

    In France, a declaration was started called the Declaration of the Rights of Men. The declaration was based off the American Declaration of Independence. The declaration said that all men shall have equal rights because all men were equal before the law.
  • Louis XVI calls the Estates General

    In May 1789, Louis XVI called the estates general. The estates general was called because people of France were unhappy with the way the government was being run. All 3 estates prepared notebooks listing their wants. Men delegates of the 3rd estate who owned property could vote others could not. Each estate had one vote the 1st and and 2nd estate outruled the 3rd estate 2 to 1. In June 1789 the 3rd estate claimed to represent the people of France in a National Assembly.
  • Storming Bastille

    More than 800 Parisians met outside the Bastille on July 14th 1789. They wanted weapons and gunpowder that they thought was kept inside the prison. The commander opened fire on the crowd, eventually the mob broke through the defense. They went inside and released some of the prisoners but found no weapons.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women were upset that the declaration of rights didn't give them equal rights. 6,000 angry women marched 13 miles in rain from Paris to Versailles and demanded they see the king. The women were made at Marie Antoinette the queen because she didn't support the women.
  • State takes control of the church

    In order to pay off the government debt the National Assembly planned to take over and sell church lands. The French Catholic Church was then put under state control. Clergy refused to support this act.
  • Threats from abroad

    Marie Antoinette's brother, the King of Prussia and Emperor of Austria issued the Declaration of Pilnitz in 1791. The Declaration of Pilnitz was issued to protect the French Monarchy, revolutionaries took this threat seriously and prepared themselves for war.
  • Constitution

    The National Assembly produced a constitution in 1791, the constitution set up a limited monachy rather than an absolute monarchy. With this constituion men citizens were ensured equality and it ended church interference in government.
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    Radicals Declare War

    Radicals Declare War French Revolutionaries and Europeon Monarchs fought in this war. Radicals wanted to destory tyranny and spread revolution so they declared war on Austria, Prussia, Britain, and many other states.
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    Monarchy is Abolished

    Marie A crowd of Parisians stormed the royal palace of Tuileries, they slaughtered the kings defense. The royal family fled to the another room before the mob arrived. One month later, citizens attacked prisons that held nobles and priests, 1,200 prisoners were killed.In January 1793, King Louis VXI was executed. The following October Marie Antoinette was executed also.
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    Robespierre and the Reign of Terror

    Maximilien Roberspierre believed that terror was required to complete the goals of revolution. During Roberspierre's rule 300,000 people were arrested and 17,000 were executed. Most of the cases were false. On July 27th 1794, Maximilien was arrested and the next day executed.
  • Nationalism Spreads

    The wars and revolution gave the people of France a strong national identity. They had pride in their country. Civil festivals started that celebrated the nation and their revolution. The people grew closer and France became a strong nation by 1793.
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    Third Stage of the Revolution

    Napoleon Bonaparte Another constitution was issued called the constitution of 1795. It said there should be a 5 man directory and 2 house legistlature elected by propertied men. France made peace with Prussia and Spain. In the election of 1797, supporters of the constitutional monarchy won the majority of the seats in legislature. The politicans turned to Napoleon, but he ened up becoming the ruler of France.