Conflict on the Great Plains

  • Homestead act of 1862

    The Homestead act of 1862 took place Coloardo and Wyoming. Congress and mostly woman imigrants. It was significant because it made American citizens eligable to aquire land.
  • Fetterman Massacre

    On December 21 1866, on of the most memerable massacres happened. Native Americans warriors from the Sioux, Cheyenne, and the Arapaho, led by Crazy Horse got the American's army base leader sent out 80 men into the woods and those men never returned.
  • Treaty of Fort Laramie

    In present day Wyoming, the American toops and the Sioux were getting tired of fighting so they signed a treaty. Part of the treaty recgonized the scared area(the Black Hills) and set it aside for the Americans not to go through. But once gold was found the American toops invaded a turned it into a mining place.
  • Discovery of 1874

    The Discovery of 1874 was when Americans found gold in the Black Hills. The Black Hills were the Native Americans holy grounds, and the Treaty of Fort Laramie stated that the Americans would not come in. But once gold was clarifed the Americans overlooked the treaty and wlked right in.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Started by the Americans coming into the Black Hills. After signing the Treaty of Fort Laramie stating that "No white person or persons shall be permitted to settle upon or occupy or even "pass through" these hills". The Cheif of the Sioux, Sitting Bull gathered Sioux and Cheyenne warriors along the Little Bighorn River and was joined by Crazy Horse and his warriors. General Custer and his 250 men went in to destroy the Native Americans. But ended up being destroied themsleves.
  • Ghost Dance

    A way for the Sioux to express their dying culture. When American officals became awhere of this they decided to ban it because it alarmed and scared them. The leader of this movement Sitting Bull was shot when police came to arrest them.
  • Wounded Knee

    After the death of Sitting Bull, hundreds of Lakota Sioux fled to Wounded Knee. The Amerian army went in to take all the weapons the Native Americans had. But when one pistol went off not knowing from who it came, the army reacted killing more than 200 Sioux while only suffering 25 deaths. Now by losing this battle, Native Americans lost all hope of freedom.