Chapter 6 by Laurentius Theta Sichel in 3rd period

  • nondum lucet, Cornelia surgit et per villam ambulat.

    When it is not yet light, Cornelia gets up and walks through the house.
  • adhuc dormiunt pater et mater et Marcus in villa.

  • etiam, Sextus dormit, neque Corneliam vexat.

    Also, Sextus is sleeping, and not annoying Cornelia.
  • non tamen dormiunt servi et ancillae.

    However, no slaves and slave-women are sleeping.
  • omnes iam surgunt et laborare parant servi et ancillae, quod Corneliam et Aureliam timent.

    All the slaves and slave-women are now is getting up and preparing to work, because they are afraid of Cornelia and Aurelia.
  • pater surgit iam et petit servum, Davum, qui in horto est.

    The dad now gets up and looks for Davus, the slave, who is in the garden.
  • iratus est Cornelius, subito.

    Suddenly, Cornelius is angry.
  • Cornelius Davum reprehendit quod in horto sedet neque laborat.

    Cornelius scolds Davus because he is in the garden, sitting, and not working.
  • perterritus, sollicitus, quod ignavus, nunc est Davus.

    Davus is now frightened and worried because he is lazy.
  • ubi Corneliam audit, Davus statim surgit et laborare nunc parat quod eum pater observat.

    When he hears Cornelius, Davus immediatly gets up and now prepares to work because the dad is watching him.