Deficit Spending by Government and Economic Reform
Louis XIV had left France is bedt. the seven years and American Revolution made even more debt. by the 1780's bace harvest causes prices to soare hunger. Louis XVI hire Jacques Necker, a financial expert, to help him get the country out of debt. Necker suggests to do less court spending, abolish burdensome tariffs on internal trade, and proposes teazes on the first and second estate. Necker is fired. -
Louis XVI Calls the Estates General 1
Each estate makes Cahiers, which are note books listing their grievances. many cahiers called for fairere taxes, freedom of press, or regular meetings at the Estates General. Delegates of the Estates General from the third estate were elected, but only men who owned property could vote. delegates were mainly lawyers, officials, and writers. They went to Versailles in hopes of fixing the financial crises, and calling for a reform. the Estates General convened in May, 1789. -
Louis XVI Calls the Estates General 2
Traditionally, each estate had one vote, but the first and second estates always outvoted the third estate. this time, the third estate wanted all three estates to meet together as one, and have the votes counted individualy, one vote for each person. in June, 1789 the third estate declared themselve the National Assembly. when the Nationaly Assmebly tried to meet, the doors to their meeting place had been locked and gaurded. the delegates moved to a nearby tennis court, it was there that they -
Louis XVI Calls the Estates General 3
took their famous Tennis Court Oath. they swore "never to seperate and to meet wherever the circumstances might require untill we have established a sound and just consitution." -
Parisians storm the Bastille
more than 800 Parisians gether by the Bastille, a prision for political and other prisioners. the Parisians thought that there was gun powder and weapons stored in the prision, and they demanded they were given it. the commander at the prision refused, and he opened fire on the crowd. they fought back and eventually the Parisians broke through the defense at Bastille. they did not find any weapons, but realised a few prisioners. -
National Assmebly Acts Rights of Man 2
"liberty, equality, and fraternity." in 1791, Olympe de Gouges, a journalist, said equal rights for woman and female citizens -
National Assembly Acts. Rights of Man
The assmebly issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. The French declaration annouced that all men were "born and ramain free and equal in rights." they have natural rights to "liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression." Every French man could hold public office "with no distinction other than that of their virtues and talents." Also declared freedom of religion and called for taxes to be levied according to ability to pay. slogan of the french revolution: -
National Assembly Acts:: church is places under state control
under the Civil Constitution of the cleergy, bishops and priests became elected, salaried officals. it ended papal authority over the french church and dissolved convents and monestaries. Many bshops and priests refused to accept the civil consitution. the pope condemned it. many french peasents also rejected the changes. when the government punished clergy who fefused the consitution, a gulf opened between revolutionaries in Paris and peasentries in the Provinces. -
National Assembly Acts: Constitution
the constitution set up a limited monarchy. a new legislative branc had power to make laws, collect taxes and decide on issues of war and peace. lawmakers will be elected by tax paying citizens over 25 years old. the consitution replaced the old provinces with 83 departments of roughly equal size. the constitution reflected enlightment goals, ensured equality before the law for all male citizens, and ended church interference in government. -
Threats from Abroad
the king of Prussia and the emporor of Austria, Marie Antoinette's brother, issued the Declaration of Plinitz. in this document, the two monarchs threatned to intervince to protect the French monarchy. the revolutionaries in France took the threat seriously, even though it was a bluff, and they prepared for war. -
Radicals Declare War
in October 1791, the newly elected legislative assembly took office. it served for less than a year. economic problems fed renewed turmoil. prices rose rapidly and people started hoarding food. in some cities sans-culottes pushed the revolution into more radical action. by 1791, they demanded a republic. within the legislative branch, hostile factories competed for power. the sans-culottes found support in the Jacobins and used pamphlets and newspapers to spread revolution ideas. -
Radicals Declare War 2
the French Revolutionaries and European Monarchs begin to fight. the legislative assembly declared war on Austria, Prussia, Britian, and other states. -
National Assembly Acts: Woman March on Versailles
6,000 women march 13 miles in the rain from Paris to Versailles. "bread!" is what they shouted. the demanded to see the king. much anger was directed toward the queen, Marie Antoinette. the lived an extremely over the top lifestyle. the woman took the king, queen, and their son back to Paris. they sung "now we wont have to go so far to see our king" for the next three years, Louis was a virtual prisioner -
the Monarchy is Abolished 2
Suffrage was to be extendde to all male citizens. the convention that met in September 1792 was a more radical body than previous assemblies. it voted to abolish the monarchy and establish a french republic. duputies drew up a new consitution. the jecobins set out to erase all traces of old order. they abolished titles of nobility. the convention put Louis XVI on trial as a traitor of France. the kind was sentenced to death. in January 1793 the king was beheaded, so was Marie Antoinette. -
The Monarchy is Abolished
On august 10, 1792 a crowd of Parisians stormed the royal palace of the Tuileries and slaughtered the kings gaurds. the royal family fled the legislative assmebly, escaping before th mob arrived. a month later, citizens attacked prisions that held nobles and priests accused of political offenses. about 1,200 prisioners were killed. this was called the September Massacre. Radicals took control of the assembly and called for the election of a new legislative body called the national convention. -
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Robespierre and the Reign of Terror 2
he embraced the idea of general will as the source of legitimate law. he believed france could aheive a "republic of virtue" through terror. robespierra was one of the cheif archetects on the reign of terror. revolutionary courts conducted hasty trials. suspects were those who resisted the revolution. about 300,000 were arrested during this time. 17,000 were executed. many people were falsely accused. the quillotines aws the killing machine during this time. -
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Robespierre and the Reign of Terror 3
soon, member of the convention turned on the commitee of public safety. on the night of July 27, 1794 Robespierre was arrested. The next day he was executed. -
Period: to
Robespierre and the Reign of Terror
the convention creates the commitee of public safety. the 12 member commitee had power as it battled to save the revoltion. it prepared for war and required all citizens to contribute to war efforts. it was also in chrage of trial and executions. French recruits defended the republic, they inavded italy. at home, they crushed any peasent revolts. in france, the government faught counter-revolutionaries under Maxilien Robespierre.his enimies called him a tyrant. -
Spread of Nationalism
Nationalism is loyalty to one's nation/ the citizens of france held festivals to celebrate the revolution and nationalism comes out of the french revolution. -
Third Stage of the Revolution
this sage starts after Robespierre is executed. the moderates produced a new consiution that set up a five man directory and two house legislative. only properited men can vote. Elections took place in 1797. chaos breaks out: sans-culottes are angry about bread prices, this threatens politicans so they turn to Napolean Bonaparte