
US history and polio

By clb247
  • Nov 27, 1350

    Egyptian Stele was found with pictures of the first Polio case between 1580 and 1350 B.C

    Egyptian Stele was found with pictures of the first Polio case between 1580 and 1350 B.C
    1580 and 1350 B.C
  • Jacob Heine discovered Polio symptons and types

    Jacob Heine  discovered Polio symptons and types
  • Jonas Salk was born in Russia (Jewish immigrant)

    Jonas Salk was born in Russia (Jewish immigrant)
  • Large outbreak of POLIO in New York City

    Large outbreak of POLIO in New York City
  • First Iron lung appeared

    First Iron lung appeared
  • Prospect of a "cure" for POLIO (convalescent serum) DIDN'T WORK

  • Vice President Franklin Delano Roosevelt contracted polio

    Vice President Franklin Delano Roosevelt contracted polio
  • Roosevelt visited the waters of Warm Spring

    Roosevelt visited the waters of Warm Spring
    Roosevelt tried everything to overcome his disibility
  • Roosevelt started the Warm Spring Foundation

    Roosevelt started the Warm Spring Foundation
  • Roosevelt was selected president of the United States

    Roosevelt was selected president of the United States
  • Sister Kenny returned to Australia were sje established her clinic

  • charitable balls about 6000 around the country

  • The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis

  • Sister Elizabeth Kenny

    Sister Elizabeth Kenny
    she was fron Australia, her ideas was not to keep polo patient inmovil
  • Japan bombed Pear Harbor

    Japan bombed Pear Harbor
    and The United States entered in WW II
  • Slak and Francis worked in finding the vaccione for Flu

    Slak and Francis worked in finding the vaccione for Flu
  • Slak and Francis worked in finding the vaccione for Flu

    Slak and Francis worked in finding the vaccione for Flu
  • Salk was ready to tried his vaccine

    that worked well in monkeys
  • Mothers' March on Polio

    Mothers' March on Polio
    lo leave their porch lights on as a signal that they had a contribution waiting for the volunteers to danated money for polio
  • Salk announced thst there were just 3 polio viruses types

  • Salk tried the vaccion on himslef and friends and nobady got sick

  • Salk tried the vaccione on 45 kids at the D.T Watson Home for Crippled Children

    Salk tried the vaccione on 45 kids at the D.T Watson Home for Crippled Children
  • 58,000 cases of polio

    58,000 cases of polio
  • Sabin was jealous of Salk (and wanted more research on Salk Polio vaccine)

    Sabin was jealous of Salk (and wanted more research on Salk Polio vaccine)
  • Time magazine welcome the news of SALK vaccine

    Time magazine welcome the news of SALK vaccine
  • Sabin addressed the American Medical Aasociation that Salk vaccine was not safe to tested in large amount of people

  • Disneyland opening day

    Disneyland opening day
  • 5,000 cases of polio with the vaccine

  • American exhibition in Moscow

    American exhibition in Moscow
  • 3,000 cases of polio with the vacine

    3,000 cases of polio with the vacine
    Salk vaccine worked Polio nearly dissappeared
  • he Worl Health Organization announced a campaing to elimated Polio around the Wrold

    he Worl Health Organization announced a campaing to elimated Polio around the Wrold
  • 80 million chidren were immunised in China

    80 million chidren were immunised in China
  • he Worl Health Organization wanted to eliminate Polio by 2000

    he Worl Health Organization  wanted to eliminate Polio by 2000