
Invisible Man: Reaction Journal

By chanel
  • chapter 1

    chapter 1
    chapter 1 was about his grand parents who were slaves and the strougles they went threw. also so about bucker t washington and the white man in her car that he was driving.
  • chapter 2

    chapter 2
    they talk about the school and what the campuse looks like and the founders. and much more. they also talked about how the guy is having sex with his brother.
  • chapter 3

    chapter 3
    what caught my attention in chapter 3 i when he says that the wisky heals him. i think that is real funny cause i think he is geting it confused with addiction and the way that type of alcohol make you feel.
  • chapter 4

    chapter 4
    just mr. norton is demanding to have a meeting with dr. bledose to talk. but they really couldnt talk because but they couldnt
  • chapter 5

    chapter 5
    Homer A. Barbee just talks about some founderr of the school. how his life was and things like that.