Jan 3, 1000
Flanders & Italy trade goods regulary
-Traded with Byzatine Empire
-Center of Trade
-Towns of Belgium became the center of trade for northern Europe.
-The counts of Champagne in northern France held trade fairs.
-Demand for gold and silver coins rose. -
Oct 8, 1095
Pope Urb the 2nd calls the first crusade
--Asked Europes's lords to launch a crusade or holy war against the Muslim Turks.
-Urged them to capture Jerusalem.
-Urged them to free the Holy Land where Juesus had lived from the Muslims. -
Oct 7, 1200
-Guilds are business groups.
-Tanners, carpenters, bakers had guilds.
-Created a new middle class.
-Craft guilds set standards for quality in products.
-Guilds decided who could join a trade and the steps the had to follow to do so. -
Oct 8, 1480
Ivan the Great ends Mongol rule
-Ivan the 3rd became the grand duke in 1462.
-Lived as an emperor.
-Had architects build palaces and cathedrals.
-Ended Mongol rule over Moscow's territory.
-Diedin 1505. -
Feudalism Begins In Europe
-800 A.D
-Developed in the Middle Ages
Based On landowning & loyalty
It had:Kings at the top,Lords & Ladies,Knights,Peasants And Serfs
A manorial System -
Alfred becomes king
--Alfred's united kingdom beame known as "Angelland" or England.
--Ruled England from A,D 871 to A,D 899.
-Found schools and hired scholars to rewrite Latin Books. -
Period: to Oct 1, 1480
middle ages