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    Federal government had passed an act that designated the entire Great Plains as one enormous reservation.
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    Government changed its polocy and created treaties that defined specific boundaries for each tribe.
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    Massacre At Sand Creek. The Ceyanne, assuming they were under protection of the government, returned to Colorado's Sand Creek Reserve for winter. However Chivington did not like this and had his troops kill over 150 inhabitants.
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    Death on the Bozeman Trail. The warrior Crazy Horse ambushed Captain William J. Fetterman and his company at Lodge Trail Ridge killing over 80 soldiers.
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    Treat of Fort Laramie issued where Sioux agreed to live on reservation along the Missouri River and was forced on the leaders of the Sioux.
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    Red River war broke out with the Kiowa and Comanche.
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    Custer reported the Black Hills had gold and created a gold rush.
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    Custer last stand took place. Custer and all his men were killed by the enemy Native Americans.
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    Congress Passed Dawes Act aiming to "Americanize" the Native Americans.
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    Wounded knee - The seventh calvary, Custer's old regiment, rounded up about 350 starving and freexzing Sioux and took them to camp at Wounded Knee. An argument broke out wich ended up in the sloughtering of over 300 Sioux.