Voted Down
On June 17th, Senate voted down on Patman Bill. The Patman Bill authorized government to pay a bonus to WW1 veterans who hand't been compensated for wartime. -
Hoover sworn in
Hoover becomes president. He was the secretary of commerce under Harding & Coolidge. He was also an engineer from Iowa. -
Boulder Dam construction begins
On the 17th of Aug in 1929, Hoover finally was able to authorize construction of Boulder Dam then later called to Hoover Dam. It is at 726 ft. high and 1,244 ft. long. -
How many?
By 1929, four million Americans owned stocks. -
Stock Market Crashes
6 Oct, 1929 Americans expecting a sudden decrease in stocks pulled out as quickly as possible causing a crash of the stock market. -
Federal Home Loan Bank Act
Hoover signed into law the Federal Home Loan Bank Act, which lowered mortgage. -
Too expensive
millions of americans stopped goin to hospitals and dentistry's due to the fact that they had little money. -
Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act
In 1930, Congress passed the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act, established highest protective tariff in U.S. history. It was designed to protect American farmers and manufacturers from foreign competition. -
Buying in Margins
Many people began buying on margin-paying a small percentage of a stock's price as a down payment or loan. -
Working for the next generation
During the great depression, alot of women worked so that their family could make it to the next meal. -
Democrats seize the Day
In the 1930 congressional elections, the Democrats took advantage of anti Hoover sentiments to win more seats in Congress. -
Farmers loss
From 1929-1932 about 400,000 farms were lost through foreclosure. -
Bonus army no more!
On July 28th, a force of 1000 soldiers under the commands, came to disbaned the veterans. -
Fun and games
At a time when money was tight, families enjoyed themselves by playing the board game Monopoly(invented in 1933). -
No more school
2,600 schools were shut down and more than 300,000 kids were out of school. -
In 1929, 600 banks closed and by 1933, 11,000-25,000 banks failed. -
Death on the railroad
From 1929-1939, 24,647 passengers were killed and 17,171 were injured on Railroad property. -
A Hoover Belief
Hoover believed that one of the government's chief function was to foster cooperation between competing and interests in society -
The dust traveled hundreds of miles and during 1934 a windstorm picked up dust from the plains. Kansas, Oklamhoma, Texas, New Mexico and Colorado came to be known as Dust Bowl because of the windstorms that kept occurring. -
World War 2
World War 2 began on September 1, 1939 with the German invasion of Poland