i was born april
i was born as a premie weighing 4lbs. and 3 oz. and god still blessed my mom with me. the doctors said that she wouldn ever be able to have children but with god's grace i'm here -
i was blessed with a voice
i got a chance to sing at church. i sung a gospel song that was made specialy for me to sing. and god worked threw me to be able to bless the people with that song -
i've fell down and by god i got up
i fell on a wall filled with beer bottles and every kind of glass that you can possibly think of and there was rocks. i fell on them and they all went threw my knee -
my little cousin
my little cousin is born with sickle cell and has a low ammune system. she very seldom have sickle attacks and god kept her healthy without being sick at all -
i got baptist
i was very young and i finally new what it ment to be a child of god. now i feel whole everyday instead of doubts of myself -
i went to tennesse
i was scared of heights when i went there and since it was first time actually going i jump off a bunjy thing and by god's grace i got past my fear of heights -
my little sister was born
she's not really my sister but since i've always wanted one i met a women and bonded with her then she got pregnant and had a baby girl that i still claim as my little sister. now i know that i can have all things threw christ that strengthens me -
i have had a serious eye condition
i had a problem with my eyes were i couldn't hold my head up because i wasw very light senitive. and even in the dark it still hurt. though God healed me from me were it doesn't hurt to look anymore. -
my new puppy
my mom was blessed with the money to afford a new puppy named tj. he is a miniture schonzer. he has become a part of the family -
my first concert
i got a chance to sing at a real concert and it was truly a blessing from god