Revolution and Constitution

  • French Indian War

    British victory made them the dominant power in Europe. They ended salutary neglect and focussed all of their attention on the colnies. The Brits were now in debt and texed the colonists to pay it back. Also the French being now out of the colonies meant westward expansion, but the NA were
  • Proclamation Act

    Prohibbited settlement west of Appalachia. The puposes were to control the colonists, keep the colonies out of the fur trade, to redirect the population. The colonial reaction was only mild because it was the first act and it only effected people interested in moving west. within five years the line was moved.
  • Curreny Act

    Put an end to colonies having there own currency apart fom the abritish pound. It said that taxes had to be paid in glod or silver.
  • Sugar/Revenue Act

    Purpose was to raise money flowing in and pay of British debt. The British actualy lost money on it. Listed more products that could only be sold through england. If caught smuggling then sent to trial in Novascosiia with no jury of peers. Colonists did'nt think Parlaiment ahd the right to tax. Pamphlets, letters to king, mass meetings, boycots were all a result.
  • Stamp Act

    Paper goods had to have a stamp representing the tax. Every person in the colonies were affected, and they did not like it. This caused them to start the Loyal 9 and the stamp act congress. The idea of virtual representation came about now. Repealled March of 1766.
  • Quartering Act

    British troops were aloud to take up home anywhere that they want to. Colonists had to provide their homes and financialy support it. Colonist also had to provide food, drink, and bedding.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Nine colonies were represented. Not included were North and South Carolina, Georgia, and Virginia. They emphasized the right to tax themselves.
  • Townshend Act

    A money maker for Britian. Put a tax on lead, paint, glass, and tea. Put colonial governors and judges under British pay roll, so that they could control them. Colonies rejected it by means of circular letter, protest, and Handcok gave the sons of liberty money.
  • Non-Importation Agreements

    Enforced voluntary boycotts. There was an 83% reduction of imports in New York. imports in South increased because they had more loyal non rebels.
  • Boston Massacre

    Guns were fired by British into a crowd of colonist and this atrted a frenzy. Committees of Correspondence put up to protect colonists if need be. Loyalists hated the committees. The colonists said they would be more calm after this.
  • Gaspee Affair

    A British ship runs aground in a colonial bay and colonists burnt it down and captured the crew. The British wanted put colonists on trial, but none of them would own up to being witnesses.
  • Tea Act

    The purpose was to save the British East india Company. Put a tax on tea. Put other merchants out of business. In Chraleston people refused to buy the tea. In New York protests were so strong British ships just turned around. In Boston they had the Boston Tea Party.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Some of the sons of liberty dressed up as indians and dumped 10,000 pounds of tea into the Boston port. Did this so that the British would react in an unwise way so that colonists look justified in a revolution. Intolerable acts passed as a result.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Purpose was to punish the people of Boston until tea is payed for. Included the Boston Port Act, Massachusettes Government Act, Administration of Justice Act, Quartering Act, and Quebec Act. This gained Boston the support of other colonies.
  • Boston Port Act

    British war ships were put in the Boston Port that blocked and closed down the port. They no longer trade out of one of the colonies major ports. Was a result of the Boston tea Party.
  • Massachusettes Government Act

    Shut down the colonial assembly. Formed an appointed assembly by the British government. banned all town meetings and committees.
  • Administration of Justice Act

    Also known as the murder act. Colonist's trial were moved to novaskoshia or England. So they didn't have a jury of their peers. Included British trials and trials for treasen.
  • Quebec Act

    Extended this Native American tribe ibto the Ohio river Valley. This toook up some colonial land and took away land they wanted to expand into.
  • First Continental Congress

    Actions included non-importation and exportation agreements and the rexertion of English rights. Was enforced by the sons of liberty. Suffolk Resolve said Intolerable acts were unconstitutional, that Massachusettes was a free state, and that people should arm themselves and protect their rights.
  • Battle of Lexinton and Concord

    Samuel Adams flees Lexington so Gage (British troops) marched to Concord bridge and were encountered by "a country side in arms" of colonists. This was the shot hurd round the world that was the start of the Revolution. Gage fights his way back to Boston. The British were furious.
  • Second Continental Congress

    A failed attempt to make Native Americans as whole fourteenth colony. George Washington was appointed general of the continental army. Benedict Arnold and MountGomery ordered to attack Canada.
  • Bunker Hill

    A colonial victory. Commander said don't firer until you see the whites of their eyes.
  • Declaration of Causes of Taking Up Arms

    Stated why we went to war against Britain. Said they would have reistance by force. Told King to note where the blame was placed.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Asked Britiain if they could be friends again and be nice to each other but that they were still free. King turns this down.
  • Attack on Canada

    The colonists were ordered to do this by the Second Continental Congress. Took montreal but not Quebec.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Written by Thomas Jefferson and proposed by Richard Leigh of Virginia. Approved July second and signed July 4. Part one was about philosophical liberty. Part 2 sated grievences. Part 3 said how they would allways be independent because if they lost they would all be charged with treasen.
  • Battle of Trenton

    George Washington provocted a fight with British because needed to recruit more troops. "The harder the conflict the moe glorious the triumph."
  • Crossing of the Delaware

    G. Washington surprises some Hessians that were unaware of the attack and were sleeping. captures 900 of them without a single colonial casualty. Takes over most of New Jersey.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Turning point of the war. colonial victory. After this the french decided they would help out colonists. French waited to see if colonists had a chance and once they did they provided troops, money, and weapons.
  • Battle at Camden

    Gates placed in charge of army in the South. he was not good and a coward. Gates replaced by Nathaniel Greene and his first battle was Kings Mountain which was a victory.
  • Peace of Paris

    Seals the deal that the Americans won the war. Set Mississippi River as west boundary. British were supposed to ecacuate forts in the North West but didn't
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Men in the back country of western pennsylvania refuse to pay tax on whiskey. They get routy on some tax collectors and WAshington gets together some troops and marches down there. But by the time he gets there it was already over. Showed how the government wasn't going to back down.
  • France and England go to war

    This is part of the French Revolution. George Washington says we are going to stay out of it but French and British capture over 300 American ships.
  • battle of Fallen Timbers

    Mad Anthony Whayne and Americans won against the Miami Confederation of NAtive Americans over land.
  • Jay Treaty

    Re-states what is in the treaty of Paris from the Revolution. The British said they would leave forts in US and actualy did this time. The US had to pay off pre revolutionary war debts. John Jay was pro British and Anti- Federalists did not like him.
  • Pinckney's Treaty

    Between the American and Spanish. Spain does this because they think that Jay's Treaty says British and US will work together to attack Spain. Gives the US the right to deposit at the Port of new Orleans.
  • John Adams is elected

    he believed in a strong executive branch. He wanted to please all people not just federalists although he was not well liked. He was above party polotics.
  • alien and sedition acts

    Included the naturilization act, the alien enemies act, and the sedition act. Made it harder and longer to become a citizen.
  • Thomas Jefferson elected

    preffered states power over national power. Said a government is best that governs least. Governed from the middle, moderate. Cancelled the tax on whiskey and id not renue the aliean and sedition acts.
  • Marburry v. Maddison

    John Adams creates judicial possitions out of thin air and Madison refuses to deliver the signed documents. Marburry sues Madison and the supreme court rules in favor of Madison and said it was unconstitutional. Created the power of judiciary rule.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Gained us New Orleans and doubled the size of the US. serious constitutional issue becauase Jefferson did not know if he could do this or not.
  • England passes the orders of council

    Said that all traded with Europe had to go through Britain. Basicaly taking a world leadership role. This hurts the US and France. Leads to impressment.
  • Embargo of 1807

    America cut off all foreign trade to try and damage other people, but the oveerestimated how important they were to the world economy. People still smuggled. Boosted manufactoring in the US.
  • non intercourse act

    replaced the embargo to be more specific in saying no trade with Britain or France. Wasn't as good as before- it opened up trade.
  • erskine agreement

    Britain took off order of council and the trade between Britain and the US opened again. Then said nope and didn't follow through.
  • MAcon's Bill 2

    An offer to Britain and France that replaced the non intercourse act. Says who ever drops tradde restrictions first we will trade with you and put up an embargo. Hurts France the most and helps Britain the most.