Month One
-missed period
-other signs of pregnacy may not yet be noticeable -
Period: to
Pregnancy Development Month by Month
Month Two
-breast begin to swell
-pressure on bladder from enlarging uterus in need to urnate mroe frequently
-possible nausea
-fatigue is common -
Month Thrree
-Breasts become firme and fuller, may ache
-Nausea, fatigue, and frequent urination may continue
- abdomen becomes slighly larger
-weight gain total 2-4 pounds -
Month four
-abdomen continues to grow slowly
-most discomfort of early pregnacy
-appetite increase -
Month Five
-Enlarged abdomen becomes appparent
-Slight fetal movements felt
-Increased size may begin to affect posture. -
Month Six
-Felal movements sensed as strong kicks, thumos, and bumps
-Weight gain by the beginning of this month may total 10-12 pounds -
Month Seven
-Incerased size may affect posture -
Month Eighth
-Discomfort may result from encreased size
-fetal kicks may disturb the mother's rest
-at the beginning of this month, weight gain total about 18-20 pounds