i was born
on september 20th 1998 i was born. i was born in bellin hospital 10 days before my moms birthday. i was 7 pounds and nine onces. i was born at 5:15 in the morning. it was ranning and it was warm outside when my mom took me home. it was happy day for my family -
car accident
when i was when i was 4 mounths old my mom, brother ,sister and i got in a car accident, but i dont remember it. -
when i got my dog
when i was four years old my family and i got a dog. we went to five differnt places. we were only going to go to one more place. this last place was finally the one. when we got there we saw our dog lexi right away. they were all miniature shnauzers but she was the most active and playful one of all. when we got her we spent the rest of the car ride home thinking of what we were going to name her. some of the names were lacy, maggie, and alot of others but we liked lexi the best! -
disney world
when i was in kindergarten my family and i went to disney world in florida. -
sprained arm
when i was just about to begin school my mom was in mexico so me in my brother stayed home alone for a little bit till my grandma came to pick me up. i was on the swing and i fell off so i had to go to the doctor -
first communion
in the middle of third grade i got my first communion -
basketball trophy
me and my friends won our first ever pulaski tournament trophy. we toke second place -
graduating fifth grade
on june 13th my fifth grade class and i graduated from elementry school. we all had to dress u in nice clothing and then we had a ceromony. 3 people out of our class of nine cried, but i didnt cry. 3 of us were happy to finally leave because we didnt like our school that much. those people were me and two other boys. we wanted to leave because in middle school we had differnt friends. -
middle school
now im starting my first year of middle school and its fun