June 1, 1999.I was born.
I was the first baby born that year in june at ST. Marys Hospital. June is dairy month and my mom told me that we got free cheese and a bib for me. -
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When I was 5 years old I...
When I was five years old my mom was making macaroni and cheese and when she went to srain the noodles she told me not to tuch the stove because it is very hot. Then I forgot and I touched it and then my mom told me to go and rinse my hand under cold water and I had a bunch of blisters on my hand. -
When I was five I saw Shamoo
Shamoo is a Killer Whale but he doesn't even look visious and he wasn't. Shamoo did alot of tricks like balance on his tail in the water and do all sorts of flips. It was quite an amazing trip to Florida. -
My new dog
When I got a new dog we wanted to name her something that started “j”, so I said Jazz and everybody agreed. When we were at the animal shelter we asked what kind of dog she is and the lady said that she is a German Shepard mixed with a smaller dog that I don’t know the name of, we said ok thank you. When we got our dog jazz we went to show my cousin because she said she wanted to see it when we got it. It was fun looking at all of the dogs but there was one special one and that was Jazz. -
On september 12, 2006
On that day I was crossing the monkey bars when my hands were getting all sweaty and CRACK! I fell right on left arm and broke it. Then my mom came and picked me up and rushed me to the hospital and right when I got there I had to go right into surgery and they told me that I couldn't go on any equipment for FIVE weeks! boy those were the most boring weeks of my life but it all paid off now I can use my left arm for all sorts of things. If nobody believes me I have a scar to prove it! -
When i went to the Deyoug family zoo
When I went ot the zoo with my cousins up in Michigan I got to see all sorts of animals and I got to pet a baby monkey. It was so soft and little! -
Igot to learn how to play Guitar
When I got to Learn how to play the Guitar I didn't learn many notes But I know one and it's called "G" note. It was quite an experience to learn how to play the guitar - well that one note that I rememberd atleast. -
In the winter of 2010 I got rope burn on my ear
One day I was just going up the hill on a tow rope that they have at this sledding hill and I accidently let go and the rope caught my tube and swipped it from underneath me and when I fell off my tube My ear got caught on the rope and kept sliding on top of my ear and gave rope burn. I was ok ,there wasn't any blood but my ear was sore for the next week. -
When I went out west
When I went out west I went to six different states in one week. One of my favorite states that we went to was South Dakota, because we got to see MT. Rushmore and Crazy Horse. Those are famous monuments in South Dakota. My other favorite state was Minnesota because the day that we drove I got to go shopping for about three hours, and the next day I got to go to the nickelodeon universe in the mall and ride really FUN rides. Well it’s all over now and I hope that I can go to Minnesota again som