Juan Miguel Hernandez History of the Internet

By erik
  • USSR Launches Sputnik, first artifical earth satellite

  • J.C.R. Licklider of MIT, first proposed a globa network of Computers

  • ARPA sponsors study on "Cooperative Network of Time-Sharing Computers" *TX-2 at MIT Lincoln Lab and AN/FSQ-32 at System Development Corporation (Santa Monica, CA) are directly linked via a dedicated 1200bps phone line

  • Lawrence G. Roberts, MIT designs first ARPANET plan--"Towards a Cooperative Network of Time-Shared Computers"

  • Nodes are stood up as BBN buids each IMP [Honeywell DDP-516 mini computer with 12K of memory]; AT&T provides lines bumdled to 50kbps

  • The Internet (then known as ARPANET) was brought online

  • First Publication of the Original ARPANET Host-Host protocol, ALOHAnet-the first packet radio network developed by Norman Abramson, Univ of Hawaii, becomes operational

  • 15 Nodes(23 hosts) UCLA, SRI, UCSB, Univ of Utah, BBN

  • Ray Tomlinson of BBN invents email program to send messages across a distributed network

  • Larry Roberts writes first email management program (RD) to list, selectively read, file, forward, and respond to messages

  • First Computer to Computer chat takes place at UCLA, and is repeated during ICCC, as psychotic PARRY (at Stanford) discusses its problems with the Doctor (at BBN)

  • First International Connections to the ARPANET: University College of London (England) via NORSAR (Norway)

  • Bob Netcalfe's Harvard PhD Thesis outlines idea for Ethernet. The concept tested Xerox PARC's Alto computers, and the first Ethernet network called the Alto Aloha System

  • Cerf and Kahn present basic Internet ideas at INWG at University of Sussex, Brighton, UK

  • Satillite Links cross two oceans as (to Hawaii and the UK) as the first TCP tests run over them by Stanford, BBN, the UCL

  • UUCP developed at AT&T Bell Labs and distributed with UNIX one year later. Mutilprocessing Pluribus IMPs are deployed.

  • THEORYNET created by Larry Landweber at Univ of Wisconsin providding electronic mail for over 100 researchers in computer science

  • First Demonstration of ARPANET/SF Bay Packet Radio Net/Atlantic SATNET operation of Internet protocols with BBN-supplied gateways

  • Meeting Between Univ of Wisconsin, DARPA, National Science Foundation (NSF), and computer scientist from many universities to establish a Computer Science Department research computer network

  • BITNET started as a cooperative network at the City University of New York, with the first connection to Yale

  • Name server developed at Univ of Wisconsin, no longer requiring users to know the exact paths to other systems.

  • Domain Name System (DNS) introduced

  • Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) comes into existence under the IAB, first IETF meeting held in january at Linkabit in San Diego

  • NSFNET created (backbone speed of 56Kbps)

  • First Relays between a commercial electronic mail carrier and the Internet: MCI through the Corporation for the National Research Initiative (CNRI)

  • ARPANET ceases to exist

  • WORLD WIDE WEB (WWW) released by CERN, Tim Berners-Lee developer, First web server is nxoc01.cern.ch. launched


  • ARPANET/Internet celebrates 25th aniversory

  • The Vatican comes online

  • 2000th RFC: Internet Official Protocal Standards

  • GOOGLE is launched

  • Y2K didnt happen