Oct 12, 1492
Columbus "discovers" America
Christopher Columbus took three ships, the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria, and traveled west, hoping to reach Asia, but came accross the Canary Islands. He was there for 4 weeks, due to wheather problems. Then, Columbus arrived in the Bahamas where he "discovered" the New World -- even though there were already inhabitants. -
Jamestown Colony created
The Virginia Company, approved by King James I, were the people to discover Virgina on the banks of Jamestown Island. It was the first successful English settlement. -
Plymouth Colony created
Plymouth was discovered by the Pilgrims. Many from the 102 passengers aboard the Mayflower that came died, but those who survived formed the Plymouth Colony. Among the leaders of the Plymouth Colony were William Bradford, John Carver, William Brewster, and Miles Standish. -
Massachusetts Bay Colony created
The flagship of Massachusetts Bay Company came to Salem on 11 ships, bringing hundreds of settlers. The Company was created by English Puritans. The Colonies' first govenor was John Winthrop. -
New Amsterdam becomes New York
New Amsterdam was the biggest Dutch colonial settlement in North America. During the war between England and the United Netherlands, the colony was surrendered to the English and renamed New York. When the Dutch retook control briefly in 1673, they renamed it "New Orange", but ceded it permanently to England after the signing of the Treaty of Westminster. -
William Penn creates Pennsylvania
William Penn's goal was to create a colony that had religious freedom. William was also protecting himself and other Quakers from persecution. Pennsylvania was the 3rd biggest and richest colony in the New World by 1700. -
Albany Congress meets
The Albany Congress met because they wanted to sort out 2 problems they were having. Their plan was figure out a way to stop the French from taking control of the Ohio River valley, because if they had, it would link the French territories of Louisiana and Canada together and block the growth of the English Colonies. Their other problem was that the Indians had a list of complaints against them. -
George Washington assaults Fort Duquesne
Washington was forcing his way into Fort Duqesne but arrived too late. When he got there, the fort was set affire by the French. The British then began building a new fort called Fort Pitt. The village around the fort was named Pittsburg. -
The French & Indian War concludes
The French and Indian War lasted for seven years and was fought between British soldiers, Native American Soldiers, and French soldiers. The Native Americans and the French were against the British. In the peace treaty of 1763 the British got most of the French land in North America. Also as a result of the war, the British began taxing the colonists to pay for the war.