First Latin Grammar School established.
The first Latin Grammar School (Boston Latin School) is established. Latin Grammar Schools are designed for sons of certain social classes who are destined for leadership positions in church, state, or the courts. The first school influenced my life in many ways. If this school had never been created then other schoold would not have been created and my education would not exist along with the rest of my classmates. My career path would have never been an option if there were no schools. -
The Young Lady Acadmey Opens.
The Young Ladies Academy opens in Philadelphia and becomes the first academy for girls in America. This was important for all women. We were beginning to get the opportunities that men were originally given. It was very important for all students to gain an education and it has given me the opportunity to gain the education I have had in my lifetime. If women had not been accepted into schooling I would be doing something completely different with my life today. -
The Department of Education is created.
The Department of Education is created in order to help states establish effective school systems. This is significant to all teachers or people learning to become teachers. This department has helped many states with their school systems and without it today our schools would be very different and probably less effective. I am very fortuante to have attended the schools I have and I am appreciative for the department of education because they have done many things for our society and schools. -
The ACT was developed
In 1959 the ACT (American College Testing) exam was created by Everett Franklin Lindguist. He developed it to compete with the SAT which had been created in 1929. This test is more commonly accepted by the Midwest and the South and is a test that is considered to test accumulated knowledge. The ACT no longer stands for anything, but is simply the ACT. This has influenced me because I was required to take this test in order to attend college. Every college I applied to asked for my ACT score. -
My Older Sister/ Teacher/ Role Model
All through my life I have looked up to my older sister. When I was a young girl my sister thought she wanted to become a teacher. My mom would take her to the book store and she would buy teaching books and afterwards we would play "school" for hours. My sister was the person who taught me how to read and she worked with me everyday. I looked up to my big sister and she inspired me in becoming a teacher. -
Loved Babies as a Child
At six years old I thought babies were the best things on earth. I had a little cousin ben and he was teething as a little baby. He was constantly fussing and cried all the time. He didnt want to be held by anyone other then his mom, until he met me. I was the second and only other person that Ben would stop crying for and I was so happy to have that role. I felt excited and I appreciated children even as a young girl. -
Proficiency Tests
When I was a little girl in third grade I remember learning long division and the first thing my teacher, Mrs, Kastner, said to our class was "Now, pay attention because this will be on the proficiency test!" When I heard this, I immediately sat up straight and listened very intently. I have always been a nervous person and the slightest mention of these test would make my heart race and my hands sweat. -
No Child Left Behind Act
No Child Left Behind Act was signed by President George W. Bush on January 8, 2002. The law states that schools are held accountable for student achievement levels and provides consequences for schools that do not make efficient anual progress that meets the goals of the law. I think this law has had a huge impact on all teachers and future treachers and I will need to consider this law when I have my own classroom. -
Transferred Schools in 7th Grade
In 7th grade I transferred to a school 30 minutes away from where I used to live. I remember the first couple of days the girls were very catty and did not treat me nicely. I was constantly bullied and picked on by my other peers for no reason, but I had a teacher Mr. Cingle who always made me feel better about myself and told me to ignore the negative comments. I want my students to confide in me and be a good role model for them. -
Mrs. Shoop
In seventh grade I had the BEST teacher named Mrs, Shoop. She was a very influential person in my life and I am so grateful to have had her as my teacher. Mrs. Shoop loved to diagram sentences and we worked on it everyday. She was friendly, funny with the students, and she was intelligent. She knew how to teach and how to make it fun for her students. She inspired me to be a teacher and to make a difference in my students' lives. -
Mrs. Flynn Quick at Grading Assignments
In 7th grade I had a teacher Mrs. Flynn and I loved the way she graded assignments. We would take the test and she would try to grade it as fast as she could in order to relieve our stress from wondering what we received on them. I become frustrated when teachers take a long time to grade things because it causes anxiety for the student longer then it should and I want to be a teacher that understands my students frustration and stress and try to eliminate that in the way i teach and grade. -
When I was a freshman in high school I began to babysit for a family. I became extremely close with them and I loved the girls and I even went on vacation with them. I taught Kate how to tie her shoes and when Emma was old enough she asked for me to teach her rather than her mom. These girls have left a huge impact in my life and I am so fortunate to have babysat them, and continue to through summers and other breaks. I love babysitting and I have done it for many families. -
In my sophmore year of high school I was required to take the OGT (Ohio Graduation Test) along with my other classmates and all other sophmores in the state. I remember the nerves I had before I took the test because I was afraid I would not pass all of the exams. I remember thinking "if I dont pass this I cannot graduate" which is not the case, but i remember thinking there were no other opportunities and I had immense pressure for passing them. Thankfully I did. :) -
Teaching Swim Lessons
I am a lifeguard and eventually became a swim instructor. I have been teaching lessons for 4 years and love it! It is so fun to work with all different types of children and lead a class. I like relating to the students and I feel a sort of satisfaction and happiness when my students finally grasp a concept or learn how to do something on their own. :) -
I took the ACT my senior year of high school. I was prepared with my pencil and calculator ready to go, but I felt nervous because I knew I was a slow test taker and I did not know what was ahead of me. When I received my results a few weeks later I was sad because I did not do as well as I wanted to and everyone around me was talking about their scores. I was emabrassed because I knew I did not do as well as some of my friends. I did not perform my best because the time, nerves and material. -
Testing Day for Swim lessons
After a few years of experience I have learned how to address testing day for my students in my swim classes. I like my students to feel comfortable herefore when testing day rolls around I try not to tell them in order for them to not clam up and go through the lesson as any other day. Sometimes the mention of tests causes anxiety on students and can not show their tue abilities. -
Working with the children at work.
Every year we have an event for our city called Dog Jog. The lifeguards are instructed to help with organizing and putting goody bags together on their breaks. I was cutting bandanas with a few of my friends when the summer camp came into the gym where we were working and began to play. The kids were interested in our project and asked if they could help. I taught them what to do. My friend looked at me and asked "You are going to be a teacher, arent you?"
I said with pride "Yes I am." -
Economic Recession
In 2010 the U.S. economy sunk into a recession and many states have massive budget decreases. Almost 300,000 teachers face layoffs. This is a serious problem that effects all teachers and all prospective terachers. It is something that I have to consider for my career path because there are few jobs in the Midwest for teachers. I am hoping that when I graduate the employment rate will increase and it is something I need to think about for my future. -
Visiting Conger Elementary School for Intro to Education class.
In the Spring semester of my freshman year of college I was required to visit a school of my choice to help with my decision of education as a major. I visited my Aunt's school in Delaware, Ohio. It was fun to visit different classrooms and see the different grades. I was able to work with the students and help them with flashcards. I enjoyed the environment and loved working with the students. They were loving and enthusiastic, which I enjoyed the most. -
Service Learning Opportunity
For this class, Ed 253, I had to attend a service learning site. I have participated in it for a few months. I have enjoyed it very much because the teacher has been inspirational in so many ways. I love the way he works with his students and treats them all equally and he is warm and patient with them. They seem to respect him very much as a teacher and I look up to him and the way he manages his classroom. I appreciated his guidance and I hope to be as good of a teacher as he is. :)