70's, 80's, 90's, 00's Timeline

  • Jimmy Carter Elected President

    Jimmy Carter Elected President
    As a dark-horse candidate not well known outside of Georgia, Carter won the Democratic nomination and narrowly defeated the incumbent Republican Party president Gerald Ford in the 1976 presidential election. Carter pardoned all Vietnam War draft evaders on his second day in office.
  • Mount. St. Helens Eruption

    Mount. St. Helens Eruption
    Back in 1980, it had a massive eruption released a huge plume of ash and debris into the air, causing devastation in the surrounding areas. It was one of the most significant volcanic eruptions in U.S. history. The explosion caused the top of the mountains to collapse, resulting in a massive landslide and pyroclastic flows.
  • Star Wars Movie Premier

    Star Wars Movie Premier
    The original "Star Wars" movie premiered on May 25, 1977, at the Mann's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. It was a blockbuster event that nobody anticipated, drawing huge crowds and immediately capturing the public's imagination.
  • Three Mile Island Meltdown

    Three Mile Island Meltdown
    The Three Mile Island accident was a nuclear meltdown of the Unit 2 reactor of the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station on the Susquehanna River in Londonderry Township, near Harrisburg, the capital city of Pennsylvania, United States.
  • Iran Hostages Released

    Iran Hostages Released
    An agreement having been made, the hostages were released on January 20, 1981, minutes after the inauguration of the new U.S. president, Ronald Reagan
  • Assassination Attempt on President Reagan

    Assassination Attempt on President Reagan
    On March 30, 1981, President Ronald Reagan was shot by John Hickley fired 6 shots, wounding Reagan and three others, including Press Secretary James Brady. Reagan was quickly taken to the hospital, where it was discovered a bullet had punctured his lung. Despite the severity, Reagan recovered quickly, showing resilience and humor.
  • Challenger Shuttle Explosion

    Challenger Shuttle Explosion
    The Challenger shuttle explosion was a tragic event that occurred on January 28, 1986. The space shuttle Challenger broke apart just 73 seconds after take off, resulting in the loss of all seven crew members. The cause of the explosion was later determined to be a failure in the O-ring seals of the shuttle's solid rocket boosters.
  • Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

     Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
    On April 26, 1986, the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine exploded in Reactor 4 during a safety test. The blast released massive amounts of radioactive material into the atmosphere, leading to widespread environmental and health impacts. The disaster prompted evacuations, long-term health issues, and significant environmental cleanup.
  • Iran/ Contra Affair

     Iran/ Contra Affair
    The Iran–Contra affair, often referred to as the Iran–Contra scandal, was a political scandal in the United States that occurred during the second term of the Reagan administration
  • George H.W. Bush Elected President

    George H.W. Bush Elected President
    George Bush was elected as the 41st President of the United States in 1988. He served from 1988 to 1993. Bush was known for his foreign policy experience and his role in the end of the Cold War. He also signed important legislation, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

     Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, during the Peaceful Revolution, marked the beginning of the destruction of the Berlin Wall and the symbolic Iron Curtain, as East Berlin transit restrictions were overwhelmed and discarded.
  • Start of the Persian Gulf War

    Start of the Persian Gulf War
    The Persian Gulf War began in 1990 when Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein, invaded Kuwait. The international community, led by the United States, formed a coalition to liberate
  • Original U.S.A. Olympic Basketball Dream Team

    Original U.S.A. Olympic Basketball Dream Team
    The 1992 U.S. Olympic Men's Basketball Team was commonly referred to as the “Dream Team” after winning an Olympic gold medal and logging a perfect 8-0 record at the Olympic Games Barcelona 1992. It was also the first U.S. Olympic team to include NBA players, thereby giving audiences a sense of basketball at its best.
  • Rodney King Decision & L.A. Riots

    Rodney King Decision & L.A. Riots
    The Rodney King decisions and the L.A. riots were significant events in American history. Rodney King's decision refers to the acquittal of four police officers involved in the beating of Rodney King, an African American man, in 1991. The incident was captured on video and sparked widespread outrage due to the excessive use of force. The verdict led to protests and civil unrest in Los Angeles, known as the L.A. riots
  • Bill Clinton Elected President

    Bill Clinton Elected President
    Clinton won the 1992 presidential election against Republican incumbent George H. W. Bush and billionaire populist Ross Perot, who ran independently on a platform that focused on domestic issues.
  • Launch of Google

    Launch of Google
    Google was founded on September 4, 1998, by American computer scientists Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were PhD students at Stanford University in California.
  • Bill Clinton Impeached by the House of Representatives

    Bill Clinton Impeached by the House of Representatives
    Clinton was the second U.S. president to face a Senate impeachment trial, after Andrew Johnson. An impeachment inquiry was opened into Clinton on October 8, 1998. He was formally impeached by the House on two charges on December 19, 1998.
  • World Trade Center/Pentagon/Shanksville, PA Attacks

    World Trade Center/Pentagon/Shanksville, PA Attacks
    On September 11, 2001, nearly 3,000 people were killed, 400 were police officers and firefighters, in the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center in NYC, at the Pentagon building in Washington, D.C., and in a plane crash near Shanksville, PA.