7-9 timeline

  • 509 BCE

    Foundation of Roman Republic

    Foundation of Roman Republic
    Roman Republic is founded, giving structure to Rome.
  • 390 BCE

    Gauls sack Rome

    Gauls sack Rome
    Worst recorded disaster in history of Roman Republic
  • 380 BCE

    Rebuilding of Rome

    Rebuilding of Rome
    Rome rebuilt after gallic attacks, allowing for a period of peace in rome
  • 340 BCE

    Rome wins Latin war

    Rome wins Latin war
    Roman victory over ancient Italy
  • 295 BCE

    Roman victory

    Roman victory
    Roman victory over Samnites, Gauls and Umbrians at Sentinum
  • 44 BCE

    Julius Caesar is murdered

    Julius Caesar is murdered
    Caesar stabbed to death by rival roman senators
  • 66

    Jewish revolt in rome

    Jewish revolt in rome
    First of 3 major revolts in Judea
  • 192


    Commodus is killed, causing civil war that lasts until 197
  • 422


    Earthquake damages the coliseum
  • 455


    Vandals sack Rome