
  • Merchant Marine Act

    Shipping board to dispose of goods to other countries
  • Period: to

    the unions

    The Unions had the lowest members during 1930's
  • The Recession

    Recession starts , Government doesnt do anything to stop it
  • Adjusted Compensation Act

    Gave former soldiers a paid up insurance policy from WW1
  • Period: to

    Failing Banks

    The U.S. Banks fail
  • Stock Market

    the stock market crashes
  • Period: to


    unemployment rate increases
  • Period: to

    The crash

    start and end of stock crash
  • WW1 checks

    22,000 veterans march to the capital for there WW1 bonus check
  • Period: to

    The Holocaust

    Nazi exterminate the jews
  • The "DEBT"u

    U.S. Debt rose to 265%
  • Indian Reorganization Act 1943

    Returned lands to the control of tribes and supported preservation of Indian cultures
  • Social Security Act

    first welfare acts in the U.S.
  • Neutrality Acts

    Isolationist senators and representatives in both parties held a majority in Congress
  • The Republican Steel Strike

    protesters rally,the outcome was ten union workers dies
  • The Beginning

    WW2 starts
  • Germany get in to big trouble

    Germany attacks the USSR
  • The first 2 Atomic Bomb

    The U.S. drops the first nuclear war head in japan
  • A sleeping giant

    U.S. is attacked by the japan empire
  • Period: to

    Battle for Stalingrad

    Germany attacks Stalingrad
  • U.S. rescues

    U.S. invades Europe
  • D day

    156,000 thousands allied invade Europe
  • Death of a leader

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt died intraceble hemorrhage
  • The End

    WW2 ends
  • New Leader

    Harry S. Truman becomes the new president of the U.S.