Period: to
Considering teaching philosophy and beliefs
Notes, ideas taken down -
Discussion with MT
About who's class I should be in to get the most out of this year - a teacher who focuses on e-Learning in their classroom/has a passion for e-Learning and technology -
Period: to
Weekly notes in notebook
Period: to
Talking to relevant teachers/observing use of technology in classrooms
Period: to
Look into relevant resources for plan - begin writing during this week
AP1 Project Plan Due
Explaining and justifying my focus: e-learning
Sharing literature about pedagogy -
Period: to
Beginning draft/outline of presentation
Considering how to present - creating video/slides outline -
Period: to
Observing in classrooms/Collect Artefacts
Tuesdays and Thursdays in SBL: observing in classrooms with technology being used (how is it enhancing learning?) noting the different ways it's being used and how the children are reacting to it -
AP1 Report Part One and Artefacts due
Period: to
Continue Note taking around area of focus, research more deeply into literature - considering relevance to myself
Period: to
Writing of philosophy and justification
Refining notes and presenting them in a way that could be included in CV.
Looking at literature -
Period: to
Finalizing presentation
Editing, finalizing, adding things, considering voice/pictures/transitions - making aesthetically pleasing -
AP2 Written Philosophy and Justification Due
AP2 Philosophy Presentation
Period: to
Collation of notes - beginning presentation on leaflet - begin writing report part 2
Looking deeper into literature, including these in report, creating leaflet -
AP1: Report Part 2 and Artefacts Due
Notebook, Leaflet, Observations