Lindsay's Timeline

By lch
  • The day I was born

    I was born in asheville mission hospital at 11:30p.m 2 weeks early i was due june 12 not june 4. I was 9lbs. 11ounces. My mom and dad both were there.
  • Swallowed a penny

    i was playing with my dolls and i swallowed a penny and said gone bye bye. A week later mom found out because i was throwing up. We got to the hospital i got it removed.
  • First beach trip

    It was to charleston, to islapalms beach and i was 5 years old and my brother did a back flip off the side of the pool and scrapted the skin from the top of hie face to the bottom of his nose off.
  • Learned to swim

    I was six years old and i was terrified of the water with out my life jacket on at the lake. Mom said i had to learn how to swim it took me all day to learn how to swim but i finnaly got it. I was so excited.
  • Went to Carowinds

    We went on the day of my eigth birthday. it was so cool cause i got to ride the rugrat coaster and the scooby dooby doo rollercoaster with my dad and mom and brother.
  • The day we moved in to our new house

    We moved in to our new house april 1st the day before my fifth grade fill trip. it was my mamaws haouse till she died then she gave it to us. we redid the whole entire place. My room is upstairs.
  • Joined blue ridge explosion softball team

    I was so excited to finnaly be on one of those teams garrett has been on one for years.finnally it was my tern to play and not be sitting on the other side of the fence.
  • Got 2 dogs

    We got to new dogs and they where 2 golden labs. they where just little puppies when we got them but now they are 2 huge labs they are a boy and a girl Molly and Jake. they like to dig and chase squirrels.
  • First dance

    It was the may dance in the sixth grade me and andrew franklin went to gether. It was cool it was the first time i had ever been to a dance. we danced and listened to the music they where playing.
  • I started the 8th grade

    I was so excited about starting the 8th grade. Be cause it is our last year in middle school and we are the big 8th grader of the school not the little 6th or 7th graders.