Molly's Timeline

  • The Day I Was Born

    I was born at Haywood Regional Medical Center on snowy December 2nd 1996. I was the first child of my mother and father.
  • My First Day of School

    On August 23rd 2001 I started Kindergarten. It was a chilly summer morning and I was ready to go.
  • My First Trip To Sea World

    When I was in first grade my family and I took our first trip to Sea World. In the sun it was 104 degrees and I was only tall enough to ride one ride! Also I was terrified of the whale Shamoo.
  • My Brothers First Day in the World

    On i bright sunny day my brother was born on May 22nd 2003. I was so mad because he had ble eyes and blonde hair likle me.
  • My First Trip to Disney World

    My dad and I took my first trip to Disney World on Spring break 2004. I skiiped 3 days of school and was over joyed about going to see Mickey Mouse.
  • My Brother's First Pair of Glasses

    My brother Jody was born with a lazy eye and we didn't notice until about a year before he had to have them. While we were coming home from Disney my brother got his glasses.
  • A New School

    I moved schools a total of 4 times and one of those times was I moved from Clyde Elementary to North Canton Elementary. I started third grade at North Canton and went through 5th grade there.
  • My First Day of Middle School

    In the fall of August 2008 I started Midlle School at Canton Middle School. As a 6th grader I was a manager on the Canton Middle school cheerleading team.
  • Seventh Grade

    I the fall of 2009 I started school as a 7th grader. Also I was now officially a Canton Middle School cheerleader. GO BEARS!
  • Last Year at Canton Middle School

    In the fall of 2010 i started 8th grade. I am and was still a Canton Middle School Cheerleader. GO BEARS!