The birth of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on the 2nd of October in 1869. He was born in Porbander, Bombay Presidency, British India. -
The wedding of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was married to Kasturbai Makhanji in May, 1883. Mohandas was only 13 years old while his wife 14. -
The death of Mohandas Gandhi's father.
As Mohandas grew up his father, Karamchand Gandhi, sadly passed away. It had a big impact on the rest of gandhi's life. -
Gandhi's trip to London
In 1888, on the 30th of September a few days before Gandhi turned 19. He travelled to London, England to learn to be a barrister. -
The birth of Harilal, Manilal, Ramdas and Devdas.
Gandhi and Kasturba had five children all of which were sons. Gandhi's first son was born but he sadly passed away a few days later. Then in 1888 Harilal was born followed by Manilal in 1892, Ramdas in 1897 and Devdas in 1900. -
Mohandas Gandhi's trip to South Africa
In 1895 Mohandas Gandhi travelled to South Africa and lived there for 20 years to learn about being a lawyer. -
Returning home
In 1915 Gandhi returned back home to his wife and children so he could work in India. -
Gandhi and the Indian National Congress
Gandhi took leadership of the Indian National Congress in 1921. This was Gandhi's first big step in politics. He stayed in this position for many upcoming years. -
The Salt March to Dandi
The Salt March to Dandi started on the 12th of March, 1930. The March started at Gandhi's house, Sabarmati Ashram and ended in Dandi, Gujrat. Gandhi was soon arrested for his protesting in the Salt March and he remained in jail for a few years. -
Quit India protest
In late 1942, Gandhi launched the Quit India civil obedience movement and demanded for immediate independence for India. -
The demand for independence
On the 15th of August 1947 Gandhi demanded for the independence of india. On this day India became a separate nation from Pakistan. This was the most important thing Gandhi did in his life and it was a very important thing for India aswell. -
The death of Mahatma Gandhi
In 1948 on the 31st of January Mahatma Gandhisadly passed away. Now he lies in Rajghat, New Delhi, India.