Renters move in
The renters at 6025 Perlita Drive move in. They have three dogs. Two are pitbulls. One of them (the male) is particularly aggressive. I make several reports to animal control about them tethering the pitbull in the yard. A month later they screw a gate into our shared fence which causes the fence to lean towards their house. -
Pitbull gives birth to 8 pitbull puppies
The pitbull gives birth and there are around 10 dogs in the yard for the next several months. The smell becomes very strong. The situation gets slightly better as they begin to sell the pitbull puppies. -
1st Complaint
I submit a complaint via the Real Manage website about the number and size of the dogs at 6021 Perlita Drive. -
2nd Complaint
I submit another complaint through the Real Manage website. Although it says, I may be contacted for further details, I am not. -
3rd and 4th Complaint
I submit two complaints via the website under different types of requests. In the complaints, I say that I will not be paying my HOA fees until this problem is addressed. -
Rachel Responds
Rachel responds to my complaints and asks for information that I have already submitted in my previous complaints (address of the residence in violation, the number and type of animals, the location of the feces). -
I respond to Rachel
I respond to Rachel's email to give her the information she had requested. I apologize for not being prompt in my response. However, I believe all the infomation requested was already available in the history of my previous complaints. -
5th Complaint and email to owner of 6025 Perlita
I submit another complaint through the Real Manage website. I also email the actual homeowner of the house to let them know that I am disappointed that they have done nothing to make sure their tenants are following the regulations of the neighborhood. -
Homeowner responds to my email
The homeowner responds to my email saying that she has spoken to the homeowner about cleaning up feces and that should they incur any HOA fees they will collect them from the tenants. She also states that the tenant is trying to find a home for the 3rd dog. The 3rd dog still lives at the residence at the present date. -
6th Complaint
During the day while we are at work, the pitbulls bust out one of the pieces of the fence, dig under, and rip up our irrigation system. I submit another complaint via the Real Manage website, this time concerned for my family's safety. -
7th Complaint
I submit another complaint through the Real Manage website. -
8th Complaint
I send yet another complaint through the Real Manage website. -
Conversation with Cecilia Guajardo
My husband has a conversation with the neighbor because she is upset and thinks we called animal control. We had not. She tells my husband that she will not take the third dog to the Humane Society and that she told the landlord to take the dog herself. She also tells him that the five cats living on her porch are not hers. -
9th Complaint
I send a very long detailed email describing the violations of my neighbors to Rachel and the general service email. I request an action plan from the HOA for dealing with the problem by July 16. I receive an email that Rachel will be out of the office until July 12th. -
Still no response from HOA
I send another email to Rachel and the service email address saying that I have not received the action plan requested by July 16th and that I would like to have that soon. I also request to be given the contact information of Rachel's supervisor. -
Rachel Responds
Rachel responds to my email and asks me to take pictures of the animals. -
Photos of Dogs sent
I send photos of the dogs and birds that come to the yard to Rachel, as well as a link to this timeline. -
Photos of cats sent
I send photos taken of the numerous cats. I realize that there are four black and white cats and not three as I previously thought. -
Dog gets into backyard
The smaller of the three dogs somehow gets into my backyard. I am unable to go out to the garage to my car. When my parents try to come into the backyard, the dog charges the fence and tries to attack my mother. I call animal control and make an urgent request for a pick-up. The neighbors come and get their dog when they hear the snarling and barking at my mother. I call the owner of the property and leave a message asking her to communicate with me about what she is going to do. -
10th Complaint
I submit my 10th complaint to Rachel reiterating the same issues of the past and informing her that the dogs again came into my backyard. I let her know that I still do not intend to pay my HOA fees until this issue is resolved. -
I email Rachel about her lack of response
I email Rachel as I have not received an answer from my previous email. I ask her again for the contact information of her supervisor and my board members, which she failed to provide for me in July when previoulsy requested. -
Overdue notice from HOA
I receive a letter from the HOA stating that I have not paid and have incurred a late fee. I have previously told Rachel that I would not be paying until the situation was resolved and would not pay any late fees. The situation remains unresolved and I have never been provided with the action plan which I requested in the summer. I should not have to pay when no services have been rendered.