Eliz1 ermine

Queen Elizabeth 1

  • Jan 28, 1547

    Elizabeths father, King Henry VIII dies.

    Elizabeths father, King Henry VIII dies.
  • Sep 7, 1553

    Birth of Elizabeth

    Birth of Elizabeth
    The future queen of England, Elizabeth is born.
  • May 15, 1556

    Elizabeths mother is tried for treason, adultery, and incest.

    Elizabeths mother is tried for treason, adultery, and incest.
  • May 19, 1556

    Anne Bolyen, Elizabeths mother is executed.

    Anne Bolyen, Elizabeths mother is executed.
  • Jul 28, 1559

    Elizabeth is Crowned Queen.

    Elizabeth is Crowned Queen.
  • Jul 28, 1562

    Elizabeth almost dies of smallpox

    Elizabeth almost dies of smallpox
    The date is wrong they do not know exactly the date when this happened.
  • Jul 28, 1563

    Angelican Church is established.

    Angelican Church is established.
    Date is still wrong.
  • Jul 28, 1563

    Outbreak of Black Death

    Outbreak of Black Death
    Date wrong.
  • Jul 28, 1570

    Queen Elizabeth is excommunicated by the Catholic church.

    Queen Elizabeth is excommunicated by the Catholic church.
    Day and month wrong.
  • Nov 7, 1581

    A marriage treaty is signed between Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Anjou is signed.

    A marriage treaty is signed between Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Anjou is signed.
  • Mary of Scots is executed.

    Mary of Scots is executed.
  • Queen Elizabeth grants charter to East India Company.

    Queen Elizabeth grants charter to East India Company.
    No exact month and year.
  • Queen Elizabeth dies from food Poisoning.

    Queen Elizabeth dies from food Poisoning.