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EFMS Technology Initiative

  • Decision to purchase mini-laptops for incoming 6th grade made

    EFMS had about $20,000 remaining in Microsoft settlement money, which we decided to use to purchase 40 Asus EEE netbook computers (the most user friendly netbooks available at the time).
  • Period: to

    Initial Planning Stages

  • Title 1 ARRA funds become available to EFMS

    EFMS recognizes this as an opportunity to purchase netbooks for all students in the middle school and builds this as a strategy in the Title 1 action plan. EFMS staff agrees to commit to the 1-to-1 initiative
  • Asus EEE's arrive and are given to staff to explore during the summer

  • Purchase of equipment to store computers in classrooms

    Items purchased:
    8 mobile cubbies for each class
    8 25 slot power strips
  • Computer images are created and installed

    The programs and features that all students will have on their computers are selected and installed by the computer technicians.
  • Principals Desk wiki created

  • 1st Professional Development opportunity provided

    Robert and Thad spent a day working with staff on the basic operations of the computer, and presented teachers with examples of different online resources.
  • Parent informational meeting notice sent home

    The meeting is scheduled to be held on the 2nd of September. Only student's whose parents attend the meeting will be allowed to bring their computers home.
  • 6th grade receives laptops for in-school use

    We put the computers in the student's hands prior to the informational meeting to increase parent attendance.
    The roll-out included a class by class discussion about student responsibilities with the computers, as well as basic training on using the computers.
  • Period: to

    The 6th Grade on Their Own

  • Parent Informational Meeting

    Over 90% of the 6th grade parents and students attend. Of those the overwhelming majority agree to allow their child to bring their computer home.
  • Bi-Monthly PD for 6th grade teachers begins

  • 6th Grade becomes the Guinea Pig for the initiative

    Lots of trial and error occurs from September through December in terms of the management of the computers.
  • Staff begins using Google Calendars

    A calendar is created for homework for each grade.
    A general school-wide staff calendar is created.
  • 7/8th Grade computers finally ordered

  • EFMS selected to receive the Vermont E-learning Grant

    The grant is for professional development related to technology, and begins in January.
  • 7/8th grade computers and supporting technologies arrive

    The next several weeks are spent preparing the computers by cataloguing them and imaging them. New digital projectors are installed in each classroom.
  • EFMS Google Domain Created

  • EFMS Website redesign completed

  • Period: to

    The 7th and 8th Grades Come On Board

  • 7/8th grade team begins planning for the roll-out

    The 6th grade teachers provide invaluable insight into how to manage the computers.
  • All EFMS staff join the Google domain

    Thad begins working with staff on how to access and use the Google domain. Staff soon begin creating and using shared documents.
  • 7/8th grade roll-out begins

  • All students join the Google domain

  • Laptop Responsibility Form is created

    This form gives teachers and students a structured way to determine whether a student can bring his or her laptop home.
  • E-Learning Institute begins

  • Technology consultant begins work with teachers

    The plan is to work with individual teachers as they plan and implement technology in daily lessons.
  • 7/8th Grade Parent Informational Meeting

    93% turnout for this event
  • Yearly Thematic Unit begins

    Students extensively use Google Apps within the domain to collaborate and share projects.
  • The EFMS Instructional Practice Google site is created

  • Teachers create shared documents to log student infractions with the computers

  • Period: to

    Professional Development Kicks into High Gear

  • Teachers install and use Diigo as a discussion forum

  • All PLC meetings for the next 7 weeks are dedicated to technology

    Each meeting teachers share new resources and their experiences using them in the classroom. Teachers are expected to try at least one new web-based resource every two weeks and log it on the EFMS Inst. Strat. site.
  • Teachers begin logging resources on the EFMS Inst. Strat. site.

  • All teachers have a functioning classroom wiki

  • Teachers are sharing and collaborating using technology regularly

  • SAMR Model introduced to teachers

    Teachers begin thinking metacognitively about the level of their technology use within their daily instruction.