First born child of Randy and Deanna Shoemaker at Annapolis Hospital, Wayne, Michigan. (Picture: 3 1/2 months old) -
Period: to
Life Span
First Christmas 6 Months Old
Stage Three: Secondary Circular Reactions
Grasping Grand-dad's fingers to balance, aware of objects such as Christmas toys, interacting with adults, laughing out loud.watching and aware of other's facial expressions and moods, knows names of people and objects. First word "dada", first sentence "dada go". -
First Birthday
Stage Four and Five: New adaption and anticipation, object permanence. Looking for Daddy, pointing at Grand-dad, clapping in anticipation of birthday caked sitting on counter, crying for "ducky" and playing peek-a-boo with Mommy. Favorite toys: wooden blocks, puzzles, banjo, and pots and pans at Grandmere's. Temper tantrums begin at nap time and refuse to drink bottle. Smacks doggie when mad. Tell's Mommy "No!" -
18 months old
Stages Five and Six: Teritiary circular reactions, "little scientest", deferred imitation.
Getting into Grandmere's sewing basket and vitamin bottle, walking, climbing, putting Mommy's lipstick on myself and the dog, repeating Daddy's swear words, using words in sentences, loves to go by-by. Begin seperation anxiety from Mom, crying without comfort when she leaves, even for short periords. Attachment to blanket begins. -
2 Years Old
Moved from Grandparents home to Eastern Michigan University area while Dad finishes teaching degree. It's just "Mom and Me" now. Later, I become very shy around my extended family, cry whenever anyone but my Mom holds me. Does not play well with cousin's my age, don't like to share toys. Fell down stairs, quit walking for two months. Favorite things: walk and play in park, ride in wagon, play dress up with Mom's jewelry. 1st permanent memory, carousel birthday cake. Still attached to blanket. -
Kindergarden: The Play Years
Exciting & scary year. Parents uby 1st home in Wayne, MI. Mom tries to turn a tomboy into a girl with 1st haircut & pincurls. First year of school. I'm very independent, don't want Mom to walk me to school. Like to play ball, climb tree's, swim, read, and paint. Grandmere exerts lots of influence, she is an artist. Love to visit & spend the night with my many cousins. Refuse to take naps and eat the same thing for lunch everyday: Cream of Mushroom soup on toast, refuse to drink milk or eat fruit -
Third Grade, 8 years old
Reading at sixth grade level, vocabulary extensive, parents atribute to being only child around mostly educated adults. Still a tomboy, receive first real punishment for rinsing curls from hair in school fountain and wearing pants under my dress everyday. Asked for & got a basketball & hoop for birthday. Detroit Race Riots, parents talk to me about MLK & prejudice. Form friendships outside of family, becoming social, first best school friend, pj & b-day parties. Still attached to worn blanket. -
Yay! It's a boy!
My parents decide to adopt and have serious talks with me about it. I couldn't understand what the fuss was, I was overjoyed to have a sibling, and really wanted a brother. He was born on Jan 21st and in our home within three days. It was love at first site, and I vowed to kick anyone's butt who ever hurt him. He was a happy baby and I loved to play with him and help Mom out with taking care of him. I was the proudest big sister ever. -
Fourth Grade, New School, 9 years old
Begin dance years: tap, jazz, acrobatic's, Hawiian. Form attachment to one of my Aunt's & often cry for her. Tigers win World Series, Denny McClain is my hero! Still hate fruit, still eat the same thing for lunch, this year it's Cherrio's. Feel real "fear" & guilt for 1st time when Mom thought I was lost. Never seen her cry before and it scared me. I can still feel those feelings to this day. -
Going into 5th grade, 10 years old
One of my best summers. Taught brother to swim. Spent entire summer w/ best cousin playing in tree fort my dad built, bike riding, creating "adventures". Lots of family gatherings, ton's of cousins, discovered the daredevil in me w/ a minibike. First crush on neighbor boy. Ate hominey & spinich everyday for lunch. Still attached to a now well worn blanket. Cried unconsolably when my uncle went back to Vietnam, made him a treasure box to take filled w/ stuff to remind him of me. -
Independence 6th Grade, 11 years old
Spent the summer before 6th grade w/ best cousin Rocky at our aunt & uncles lake home. Lazy days of picinic's on the beach, boating, fishing, biking. Ran free w/ little adult supervision. Worked in a gas station that our cousin owned & made real money.Missed my brother, but not parents so much. Best summer of my life. Returned home in the fall & left my blanket by mistake. Called my aunt crying & she said she gave it to the dog & I was too old for it anyway. I'm still mad at her. Cried for weeks -
Florida Vacation, Independence Part Two
Spent an entire month traveling & camping in Florida w/ my Grandparents , aunt & uncle, & cousin. Cried only once on my brother's birthday. Becoming aware of the world & social issues. Met hippies & talked about Vietnam & "Mother Earth". Dressed in bell bottoms, poncho, and suede fringe vest, beginning to think I was "cool". Discovered Rock & Roll, deep sea fising, and began to realize I was a natural leader... -
Leadership and Loss of Innocence, 6th Grade, Part Two
News of my uncle reports he is injured, his leg amputated. Besides the death of a great-grandmom, this is 1st tragedy of my life. I dream of him coming home & sitting on his one-legged lap. He dies on the 28th. I am devastated, as is the family. His funeral is huge, full regalia, almost 400 attend. He is in the Detroit News, front page. The "war" had ended just weeks before his death. He had a Purple Heart. My politic's begin to be shaded by this event. -
Leadership and Loss of Innocence, 6th Grade, Part Three
The end of Vietnam, the death of my uncle, the emerging hippie generation, the ecological movement, the woman's movement, and rock & roll began to shape my awareness of the world around me. I began to read the newspaper, discuss current events, I worry about the planet. I form an "Eco" group at school, & on Earth Day, my group cleans up fields & parks in the neighborhood. I make my mom sign a "contract" that she will never girl my hair or make me wear a dress again. She does. -
New Home and New School, Junior High Years
Summer of 1971, my folks bought a new home in their hometown of Garden City, MI. All of my Grandparents, and nearly all 14 aunts and uncles & 27 cousin's lived there. Fridays were cards, music, dancing @ Gram & Gramps w/ the entire family. Sundays we rotated dinner between the 2 sets of grandparents. We stopped going to church & Sunday school, I became a Rainbow girl in the Mason's. I was becoming moody at times, still worried about the world, a new school & I still missed my blanket. -
7th Grade Radcliff Junior High
The first week was HORRID. My mother bought me corderoy pants that were STRAIGHT LEG & SHORT! I threw my first official tantrum as a pre-teen. She wouldn't budge, I was SO embarrassed. I realized I had legal recourse. I found the contract she had signed last year and took it to the dinner table. I presented my case. My father said "Looks like you've been outmaneuvered Dee Dee" my mom laughed and said "get my keys, I'll take you shopping." We went to Pants Galore & I got bellbottoms. Shew. -
Christmas in the new house
My Dad always cooked us breakfast Christmas morning & waited on my Mom. They were a very loving couple who didn't believe in fighting in front of us kids. I thought they were pretty cool too. They were "hip" and smart. But it was about this time that I started to really argue w/ my Dad. He didn't spend time w/ me anymore and seemed distant & gruff. I had a few melt-downs around this time and spent a good deal of time in my room, listening to music, writing poetry, reading, & doing yoga. -
I'm a full-fledge TEENAGER!
My dad is a teacher & a carpenter. For my 13th b-day I was allowed to design my bedroom. I picked fuzzy green material to cover the built in bed, shelves, and stairway that went no-where. All my idea, I drew it up and dad made it happen just like I pictured it. They surprised me w/ my 1st real stereo, also built into the room. My Grandmere bought me my 1st album, Alice Cooper. I was becoming very opinionated, as the poster my mom bought (in pic) suggests, "Everyone is entitled to my opinion". -
9th Grade Angst and Good Times
School was fun, I was popular, had several bestfriends, was on the newspaper, loved my English teacher, and planned a 50's sock hop. School was horrible, the boy I liked hated me, I was getting bad grades because of skipping classes, my Mom went back to work. My older cousin's were a big influence on me, I dressed like them, smoked my first joint w/ them, and began to experiment w/ alcohol. Mom became very strict, we began to fight alot. I was grounded alot. I was so confused. I had no boobies. -
Puberty hits Overnight...bra shopping.
During the summer of my 16th year I experienced menarche, and it seemed almost overnight I went from flat to curvey and in much need of new underclothes. All of my cousin's & friends had already hit puberty and I was soo relieved! And it came just in time to vacation w/ my HS bestfriend in Florida. Before then, I had been mooning over the boy I liked who didn't like me, he called me Mack Truck Flat. I wrote poetry, walked past his house, dramatically stated that I would never find true love. -
17 and got my wheels! High School fun and games.
Was popular w/ boys, girls, teachers and different social groups; jocks, frocks, freaks, and geeks, but had one bestfriend (pic). Got my license, joined Pom-Pom & track, but had to quit because of shin splints. Constructed the Homecoming float at my parents house, went on lots of dates, Tried to get good grades, but even though my test scores were high, didn't because I was too social. By this time, my brother was invovled in lots of sports & school activities & my parents both worked. -
Senior Year, became an official adult!
Senior year brought big changes. Drifted away from my bestfriend after she started going steady and I got my first job at Taco Bell. Work sucked me in with money & I frequently skipped school to work or party. My beloved Grandpa died, I dropped out @ the protest of my parents & traveled to California to "find myself". Experimented w/ drugs. Returned home and voted for my first president, Jimmy Carter. Met my first true love, began to hit the disco's. -
Madly, Passionately In Love
Still madly in love with Tony. He is my EVERYTHING. I love everything about him and he adores me. Was soo happy when he told me he loved me and asked me to marry him! Being in love makes everything else better. His sister was in my grade, he is a year older than me. We spend every minute we can together and my parents really like him! On cloud nine! -
Disco Dancing and the Woman's Movement
Still in love! Have a close knit group of friends and we do everything together. Disco, camping, bowling, vacations, parties. Mom says I can live at home as long as I work. Working in a Group Home w/ mentally impaired adults and love it. Spend lots of time w/ brother. Join National Orginization for Women, read "The Woman's Room" by M. French, Start thinking of going to college, get GED. -
Christmas Eve
Tony asks me to marry him and gives me a ring! Things are still wonderful between us, but his Mother doesn't like me. I've never had anyone NOT like me. Tony says she's nuts and not to worry about it, but I do. Well, not alot. Mom loves Tony (pic), but says he drinks too much. Still working for the Group Home & have gotten close to the clients. Tony is making good money as head cook. Going to Toronto on the train & very excited! Love my little brother, he's a great kid! -
Best laid plans...God Bless my Angel
Tony rented a house & spend every weekend there. Fun playing house & entertaining friends. Enrolled at WCCCD for Summer. Started classes & began feeling really sick. Was in the car w/ Mom & she told me I was pregnant. I didn't even know. Quit school because I was ill everyday. Began to hemorrage & they took my baby c-section. I almost died, he did 2 hours later. He was 2 months early, no neo-natal unit. Tony cried & wouldn't leave my side. We named him Michael Anthony. The nurse baptised him. -
Depression is depressing
Moved in with Tony after Christmas. It was a huge mistake. We both are drinking too much and now we fight too much. I won't let anyone talk to me about Michael, not even Tony. His Mom is a WITCH. She said it was probably for the best at the hospital while I was laying in ICU. My parents were told I might not make it because I had lost so much blood. My Dad said if he had been a woman, he would have slapped the shit out of that witch. I don't know what's wrong with me, nothing makes me happy. -
In Limbo...24 years old
Worse birthday ever. Working midnights at a new Group Home and when I got off work I found Tony laying naked on the couch w/ my girlfiriends little sister. I didn't even bother waking him up. I did take his van keys though & called my cousin. She followed me to a cornfield & I chucked his keys as far as I could & left the van. My Mom wants me back home, so back to Garden City it is, but I'm gonna miss the dog. I need to do something with my life. And quit drinking. My life sucks, I'm a failure. -
Time to grow up and move on
Spending a lot of time alone, reading one novel after another. Cut off ties w/ old friends, refuse to see or talk to Tony. Dad says I need to either see a shrink or get a job. So I've taken an asst. manager job with Burger Chef. It's good pay, long hours, and it keeps my mind off of things. I'm saving for a new car. And I've made a few new friends through work. I still feel like a zombie sometimes, but its getting better. Just read "Games Mother Never Taught You" by Betty Harragon. -
Quarter Century Old and Quarter Pounders
Year went by fast. Dated a little, nothing big. Spent a lot of time at family cabin when I wasn't working 60 hours a week. Got promoted, BC is now Hardee's. Have a new bestfriend I met at work. We have so much in common, she's Hungarian like me, just off a long relationship. We go out alot: DIA, Opera, Shows, and talk for hours. It's nice to have someone like that in my life again. Bought myself a new LTD for Christmas. Feeling disconected from my cousin's. Miss them. -
I'm the last holdout, so I guess I'll get MARRIED
Met my husband in '85 and even though I don't feel that passionate love I had w/ Tony, Tom is fun and we get along really good. He has two son's, 5 & 8, who I fell in love with. They seem to like me too. I can't live in my parents home forever, so today is the day. I actually worked this morning and was almost late for the wedding. It was in my parents backyard. It was a beautiful day and everyone had a good time. Tom's a local singer & his band is playing tonight. So we are having 2 reception. -
First Home, Brightmore, Detroit
Moved into our first home! It's so cute, it looks like a dolls house. My mom & dad gave us furniture and I love decorating it & spending time w/ my Mom, Aunts, & Cousin's. It's good to be close to them again. The boys come every weekend & we will get them all summer long. My bestfriend rented a house on the next street. It's perfect! I started a new job as a cook at GC Hospital, days, 40 hr, beats fast food. -
Second House
The past four years have been really good & really bad. Tom is drinking & staying out all night. He thinks he's a rock-star. I've grown to really love the boys though. I can't imagine leaving them. Tom has a vasectomy. I knew it when we married & it doesn't bother me, try not to think of Michael. I love the family time w/ the boys & extended families. Tom's Mom (pic) is a doll, love her so much. Moved to bigger house so boys each have rooms. Brother is out of Navy, moved in with us. -
Losing a loved ones and gaining loved ones
My stepson's decided are moving in w/ us permanently. Their mom is going through a divorce & times are tough for her. She & I are on good terms & want whats best for them. My cousin got Tom a good job at his steel factory. Tom hates it. I've decided to go down to part time w/ the boys here. They're great kids, love having them around & they love being part of a big family. Tom's Mom passed away after a long bout w/ cancer. We are all hurting, Tom especially. My Granddad also passed, I miss him. -
Bought our first home!
I am so excited! We bought our first home & got the keys today, its all ours! 3 bedrooms, basement, fenced backyard & deck. They boys are so thrilled! I am determined to have everything unpacked & up for Christmas Day! Going to have a New Years Party for the family too in our new basement! The dogs love the yard. I can't believe I'm a homeowner! Parents are estatic! Oh, started working at Westland Golf Course, love the job! Its a good year! -
Incredible Loss again
Tom's older brother died unexpectedly from a heart attack. We had just buried him when his oldest sister was killed in an auto accident. Unreasonable of God to do that. Tom is severely depressed and drinking heavily. He is spiraling into a deep pit. He is becoming mean to me and violent at times, breaking things & even tried to hit me. I feel sorry and understand his pain, but he needs to get a grip soon. I won't let anyone put their hands on me. And then he wants to have sex. It's bad. -
Another Death...depression and guilt
There is no God. Tom's last brother passed away from a heart attack. He is beyond grief, he is self-destructive. My marriage is falling apart, the boys are miserable. I've insisted he get into therapy. We are all suffering watching him in pain, he won't be consoled. I can't imagine losing three siblings in one year. My brother got married last month, they have a baby on the way. I feel guilty for feeling happy for him. I love my new sister-in-law and can't wait to be an Auntie finally. -
Therapy isn't working, our lives are precarious
Tom has been in therapy since July, the doctor put him on Prozac. It's not working, he's getting worse and won't quit drinking. He's been staying out all night again too. Just like in the beginning. I think he's cheating on me. I've gone w/ him to therapy, the doc seems at a loss too. What the hell. The boys are acting out, Brian is skipping school. I don't know what to do anymore, I feel helpless. I have to be strong for the boys. My brother had a baby boy, James Jr. he's adorable (pic age 17) -
Worse Christmas Ever
Tom came home early from work last week and said he quit his job. I am furious. We have a mortgage and the boys to think about. He's still drinking on the prozak. I'm only working part-time. He has been sitting on the couch chain smoking & drinking, getting meaner. I'm going crazy.. I feel so awful because he lost his sib's but he has to think of the living. I understand, but I can't live like this. Tommy, the oldest has moved back to his Mom's, who can blame him. Everything is upside down. -
Well, Tom supposed got a midnight job, but I got my credit card statement and it showed he sat in the bar instead and lied to me. I was packing his lunches & he acted like he was going to work. Instead he was taking money we don't have & getting drunk. I told him to leave, he went and emptied his 401k, 20 thousand, and moved out. Tommy is moving back & Brian also wants to stay with me. I'm going to full time next week. Tom moved in with another woman. I'm relieved. -
I've been promoted to cafe manager and assistant golf course manager! I love my job and work happily 50 hours a week. I have health insurance, paying the mortgage and the boys have moved back in with me. I'm so excited, my boss is sending me to Vegas for a golf convention and I got a new set of clubs! Life is really good right now! -
I'm 40!!!!
My friends and family threw a surprise 40th b-day party for me at the golf course. Everyone I loved was there, it was a glorious night! I cut my hair super short and started dating again. No one serious, but having lots of fun. Still love my job at the golf course. My youngest got engaged and his girlfriend moved in with us. Things at home are so stress free! -
41 and the New Me
What a great year I've had! I haven't been this content since before my marriage. Our divorce was final last year, and I've moved on. I'm in the best physical shape since my teens, run and golf everyday. I've been dating just one man this past year, his name is Bill. He seems to be head over heels in love with me. I think I'm falling in love with him, but I wish I weren't, because I'm scared a relationship will change the way my life is heading. -
Bill moves in and I quit my job
I decided to let Bill move into my home this month. He seems to get along with the boys. Tommy moved to Minnisota, but Brian is still at home, he's getting married in October. I've decided to quit the golf course and work for Bill running his office. Not so sure I'm making the right decision, but I am willing to take a few risks. It looks like I found someone who I can relate to that has a lot of my same values. And I did it, I fell in love with him. ARG! -
My baby gets married...
Is it weird that I'm a bridesmaid in my son's wedding? I felt honored when they asked. I feel so close to my youngest son and I love him so much. I hope he and his new bride have a wonderful life ahead of them! I love my new daughter in law too, glad I let her move in before the wedding because we had a chance to really get to know each other. -
Bill asked me to marry him on my birthday. I said yes. I'm kind of excited but have this nagging in the back of my brain that won't go away. I'm not thrilled with his family, his brother stayed w/ us for a few months to get on his feet and he has major issues. Glad he's gone. And Bill's mom is an alcoholic. I think we will get married in October. Still working in the office for Bill and still like the job and people. We hired a new this week, she seems really nice, I like her. -
Married Bill last Ocotber, we had a nice reception and then went to Niagra Falls. What a weird weekend. We didn't make love and we both acted like it was normal. Found out just after X-mas that Bill has been sleeping with the new girl from work. Told Bill to pack his stuff and get out. Gave him two weeks. He begged me to change my mind. The answer is still a resounding NO. On a sad note, had to put down my 18 year old dog, Baby. I will miss my dear friend greatly. RIP Baby. -
Aw, if only hindsight was 20/20
Of course had to quit my job at Bill's shop. It's going to be a nasty divorce, and all I want is for it to go away. I should never have quit the golf course, now I'm out looking for a j.o.b. that can pay the mortgage. It's not looking that great, took a waitress job, but it no where near covers the bill's. Decided to start running again, I need to start feeling good about myself again. I've been pretty hard on myself over this whole "Bill" mess. My friends and family have been a great help. -
Back to College 47!
Well, lost my home to foreclosure...moved to a little shack to get back on my feet, working 3 jobs and decided to go back to college. Despite the upheavals, I'm loving my life and doing great in college. Made Phi Theta Kapa and my parents are so supportive and proud, as are my son's. -
Finally moved to a nice place thats all my own!
Well, I'm doing it all on my own for real this time. Moved to a nice little house in a great suburb, still in college, found employment working with animals that I love! Yay for me time! My son got divorced and moved back in with me, its nice to have him home but I wish he would do SOMETHING with his life. -
Celebrated my birthday with family, had lots of fun. I thought I would find this one reflective and depressing, but it feels just like any other birthday to me. I am a little lonely though, miss my boys and having a houseful of family. I did however get ID'd for my birthday drink, lol! -
Well I made it through two years of college and earned my first degree! I'm soo proud of myself, graduated Summa Cum Laude, HOLY COW! Haven't had a man in my life in five years, and I honestly don't mind right now. Its nice to think about me for a change! -
Bachelor Degree at 53
Graduated from Eastern Michigan with a teaching degree. My parents are excited, my dad is a retired teacher. Worried about my mom's health though, she doesn't seem to be recovering well from an ongoing ulcer. My youngest will graduated from Specs Howard in the fall. Thinking of moving up north to be closer to my parents. -
Northern Bound
After a year of substitute teaching, have been offered a full-time position to teach in the Tawas City School District which is where my folks live. Mom's arthritis in her hip is preventing her from being as active as she likes and she needs eye surgery to remove her cataracts. Dad seems to be doing well thankfully. -
We are all getting OLDER
Bought a house on 20 acres a few years ago and love living in my own little patch of the world. Mom & Dad turned 80 this year, I turned 60. Plan to retire in 10 years. Parents still live on there own, but Mom needs lots of care, she is showing signs of dementia and her hip prevents her from traveling. Dad is showing signs of stress. -
The "Good Death" Mom passes on...
My Mother passed on at her home surrounded by her children and grandchildren. My Dad is a rock, but I worry about him. He's still driving and still appears to be in good health. Losing my Mom has taken a toll on us both, but he has lost his partner of 65 years, how will he face each new day without her? -
Living a DREAM! Americorp for a year!
I took a entire year off to volunteer in rural southern Lousiana to teach with Americorp. Unbelievable that they are still suffering from the last hurricane. Dad is doing ok, he's getting grouchier as he gets older. He misses Mom a lot, but he's still active in the church and with the family; still on his ham radio too. (Photo Morphed, age inhanced) -
Realizing my Goals, Dad moves in
Dad's been helping me prepare my dog rescue. We built kennels and an outbuilding for the dogs. He also bought a doublewide trailer and moved onto my property. He's going to help me run the rescue, we named it "Lost & Found". He's 88, and seems renewed with the chance to work again. I'll retire in 2 years and run the business full-time. -
75 & 95 and LOVING LIFE!
Retired 5 years now, Dad is slowing down alot too. We had a great year, took some time off to travel to California to visit my newphe and his family. Dad really enjoyed the trip, but it took alot out of him. Business is good, and I volunteer regularly w/ Habitat for Humanity. Going back to college this fall to get my masters degree. -
Dad passed away late last night in his sleep
Dad lost his battle with cancer and passed away last night in his own bed. We watched golf together earlier and he said he was in too much pain and wanted to be with Mom. I told him to go and tell her I love & miss her. I'm all alone now here in Tawas, my brother & his wife moved to Oregon last year. Been feeling the arthritis in my bones lately too. Maybe I'll move someplace warm. -
The Golden Girls Ride Again Tour
Bought an RV and I think me & my mutts are going to travel the country for a year. My cousin lost her husband this year and she's going with me. We're calling it "The Golden Girls Ride Again Tour", she's 78 & I'm 76, we're going to have a blast! -
Community Living
My cousin Robin and I bought a beautiful lake home on Cass Lake with another one of our widowed cousin's. We have a pontoon boat and are having a great time with all the family & grandkids. I opened another dog rescue in the area and am back to work full time. Took up yoga and am back in college part time working on my masters degree. -
Cancer & Masters Degree
Was diagnosed with colon cancer today. Same as my Dad. Start treatment next week. Have decided not to dwell on it too much, have too much going on right now. I'll finally get my Masters degree this June and my dog's keep me really busy. I still want to travel to Europe next year, so this cancer will just have to wait its turn. -
Golden Girls Do Europe Tour!
Year of chemo and a few surgeries later I'm finally heading to Europe! Hardest part was leaving my old mutts for so long...but Robin, Roxanne, and I will be going to France, Italy, Hungary, and Germany tomorrow and won't be back (unless we break a hip, lol) for three months! My youngest son and his new wife will be joining us in Italy for 2 weeks, I'm SO excited! -
Hello Mudda, Hello Fadda...my tickets up
I remember back in '10 I took a Lifespan class. We had to take a life calculator as an assignment, mine said I'd die at 79. So happy I decided to change my lifestyle & add an extra 12 years to my life. It's been a good one. I'm in a nursing home that I hate, my son's live out of state & Robin passed last year. Rox can't take care of me, so here I am. I've signed a DNR & have refused further treatment. I'll wait 'til the boys get here to say goodbye, then I'm going to see my Mom & Dad.