Term 3 Week 6
Get all relevant information out of library e.g. books, magazines, search databases, check TAFE online catalogue. Also do internet searching. Try 3 different search engines. Annotate any good articles. Set up RSS feed and try to find 1 blog to subscribe to. -
Week 7
Phone expert and arrange interview for next week. Also email three other experts and see if I can get some written responses back. See if I can arrange any work experience with one of them. Contine getting information off the net. -
Week 8
Attend interview with expert and record it. Transcribe interview and include in folio. What did I learn? Follow up on emails. Work experience to happen every Sunday afternoon over the next 4 weeks. Make time for formal discussion which is happening next week. Work out Delicious and see if anyone else in the world has got some good information on this topic -
Week 9
Discussion week. Make sure my Journal is totally upto date. Get my folio in order. Work out what things I need more information about and write a list. Get organised - 10 minutes only!! -
Week 10
Continue work experience. Write up what I did and what I learnt. Get my feedback from my Discussion and do what my teacher suggests. Check RSS feed, Delicious, photocopy relevant sections of TAFE book and annotate. Start working on the model. -
Holidays - Week 1
Contine work experience and model construcion. -
Hoidays - Week 2
Contine work experience. Take model to three experts and get advice/feedback. Incorporate their suggestions into my work. -
Term 4 Week 1
Negotiate time and format of final presentation with my teacher. Format will be the model on display with my folio next to it and my Journal finished. Last work experience this week. Continue model. Aim to finish next week. -
Week 2
Finish model. Take to expert for feedback that I can use in my evaluation. Finish journal and folio. Get everything ready for presentation week next week. -
Week 3
Presentation week. Start evaluation. Do as an oral presentation. -
Week 4
Finish the draft of my context statement and my evaluation. Show my teacher for feedback. Arrange a time to present my oral presentation next week. -
Week 5
Give my oral presenation