60 Min Presentation - International Trade

By Sash
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    The UN is an organisation containing 51 countries which are committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights. Canada joined the UN in 1945 and is a part of it today.
  • Opening of the St.Lawrence Seaway

    Opening of the St.Lawrence Seaway
    The St. Lawrence seaway was a significant seaway for goods to be transported into the Great Lakes Area. It included a series of locks that altered the sea level to allow ships to go through the different canals in the St. Lawrence river and the Great Lake area from the Atlantic Ocean. This also strengthened the relationship between the US and Canada, as there were 7 locks in the area connecting the US and Canada, 5 in Canada, 2 in US. This meant that both countries both benefit from the seaway.
  • January - The Autopact

    January - The Autopact
    The Canada—United States Automotive Products Agreement, commonly known as the Auto Pact was a free-trade agreement with the sole purpose of creating a single North American market for passenger cars, trucks, buses, tires and automotive parts. It transformed Canada's weak car-making industry into a world leader, created 1000's of job opportunities for Canadians, and caused an economic boom for Canada in that generation.
  • 1971 - Trudeau heads to U.S.S.R and China

    1971 - Trudeau heads to U.S.S.R and China
    Pierre Trudeau runs a peace tour in attempt to relieve nuclear tensions during the cold war time. In 1971 Trudeau went to the U.S.S.R where he developed affinity for the Russians. 1973 Trudeau was the first Canadian leader to visit the People's Republic of China. He met with communist leaders and creates a diplomatic relation. The APF Canada is passed to protect the relation.
  • 1st UN Special Session on Disarmament in May 1978

    1st UN Special Session on Disarmament in May 1978
    Trudeau delivers a speech outlining his strategy of suffocation, urging against nuclear weaponry during the Cold War. The embodiment of his speech shows Canada's ongoing goal for world peace- signifying Canadian initiative.
  • Iranian Hostage Crisis

    Iranian Hostage Crisis
    The Iranian Hostage Crisis was an attack by Iranian students on the US embassy in Tehran, Iran in which 66 people were held hostage to promote the revolutionary anti-American leader Khomeini and show independence and hatred to the US. The Canadian embassy in Tehran put themselves at risk to provide six escaped hostages with fake passports to fly to the US. This raised our national identity and greatly strengthened our relationships with the US and made Canada a reliable and trustworthy ally.
  • Creation of the Canadarm

    Creation of the Canadarm
    Remote controlled mechanical arm that had the sole purpose to deploy, capture and repair satellites, position astronauts, maintain equipment and move cargo. The Canadarm led to the recognition of Canada’s technological innovation, played a leading role in the development of IGAR(Image-Guided Autonomous Robot) which offers a one stop diagnosis and treatment for people that are at risk of developing breast cancer, and had an important job in the making of the ISS.
  • Canada United-States Free Trade Agreement (CUSFTA)

    Canada United-States Free Trade Agreement (CUSFTA)
    Canada and the U.S agree to a historic agreement addressing the banishment of tariffs, and acknowledging trade services. The agreement set the stage for US-Canadian trade liberation.
  • North American Free Trade Agreement

    North American Free Trade Agreement
    NAFTA is a treaty entered into by the United States, Canada, and Mexico. NAFTA broadened free trade between the countries and served the purpose of removing barriers to the exchange of goods and services among the three countries.
  • World Trade Organization Established

    World Trade Organization Established
    The World Trade Organization (WTO) was established on 1995 to ensure fairness and equality in trade. The WTO is based on rules and driven by the 164 members in the WTO. Canada was part of the WTO when it was established and they have a big role in the WTO. Canada participates in trade monitoring and surveillance, implemented the TFA, which betters the health for Canadians and its environment, as well as many agreements with other countries. Canada is a big part of the WTO
  • Canada's Contribution to the ISS

    Canada's Contribution to the ISS
    Canada contributed $1.4B to building the ISS, which is an international space Laboratory where experiments are conducted. Canada's contribution involve the Canadarm, Dextre, and the Mobile Service system. This investment allowed for our country to maintain international leadership in space optics, advance biomedical technology, help with cancer detection, and help technology advance in pediatric and neurosurgery. This investment had benefits that lead to the advance technology we have today.
  • December 17, 2002 - Canada Officially Ratified The Kyoto Protocol

    December 17, 2002 - Canada Officially Ratified The Kyoto Protocol
    The Kyoto Protocol is a international treaty signed by many nations to reduce the effect/emissions of greenhouse gases Canadian Liberal government lead by Jean Chretien ratified the agreement and made many bold goals such as reducing the the emissions by 17% below 2005 levels by 2020. Canada could not obtain these goals and ended up withdrawing from the protocol in 2011.