6 events of the secondary school

  • 3º ESO trip

    On this trip,we visited Madrid,we arrived in the morning and visited the science museum. Then,we ate a sandwich in a park,rested at the hotel,and visited places in Madrid like Gran Vía and Plaza España. In the evening,we went with the teachers to see a musical of Matilda. We slept at the hotel and the next morning we played an escape room game and afer that we came to our town again.
  • 4º ESO english proyect

    During this week,we worked on a project about direct and reported speech in english with our teacher, Miguel Angel. At first, we werent planning to put in so much effort, but little by little, we improved it and had a lot of fun creating it. It was about sevillanas concert, where our classmate Gonzalo was singing, and the audience admired him with banners. We also included details like police officers,restrooms and fast food stands. Thanks to all the work we put in,we got a 10!
  • 2º of ESO excursion

    On this excursion we visited Baeza, Jaén and the Quesada museum. We saw all the local monuments and the Diario Jaén